The Promise of Surfing Rainbows
Opening your energy flow attracts a treasured life…
Book Details
About the Book
What is The Promise of Surfing Rainbows? “The Promise of Surfing Rainbows is one of the most fabulous metaphors for mindfully manifesting miracles I’ve ever seen, instantly leading you into the flow of life. The clarity and love with which this material is presented is exemplary and startling - full, unreserved and admiring recommendation from me!” The Barefoot Doctor • This book offers ground-breaking, powerful information and a crucial link that has never been revealed before in this way. • Once you learn to Rainbow Surf through life, your deepest desires can be fulfilled. This is the Promise of Surfing Rainbows.
About the Author
P.D.M. Dolce is a pseudo name for the co-authors. These authors have experienced the power of Surfing Rainbows, as the technique came to be called, and have therefore seen their lives significantly changed for the better. “P” had been trying for years to have a baby. By applying the principles of Surfing Rainbows, a beautiful little girl was born, followed a year later by a wonderful baby boy. It is she who created the adventures of the enchanted creatures known as the Rainbow Surfers for the children’s storybook The Promise of Surfing Rainbows as a way of showing children and their parents how to create happy, fulfilling lives for themselves. “D” is a businessman who has used the principles to great success in his work. However, he doesn’t restrict their use to his business; he applies them to every aspect of his life and enjoys what seem to be miracles over and over again. “D” has jointly contributed to the strong philosophy that supports every aspect of Surfing Rainbows. And then there is “M” who is the editor. What began as a job became a labour of love for her when she realized the value the books would hold for everyone who reads them. Finally, there have been numerous friends who have played a part in bringing this project to you. Considerable input has been given by “S” and another “D” in their time, effort and fabulous creative talent.