As we progress on our souls journey to enlightenment the continuous raising of our vibration equips us with an innate desire to completely eradicate all of the human teachings which we have been indoctrinated into however in order for us to remove our conditioning it is necessary for us to first unlearn the human programming and in doing so it will assist us to elevate and begin our soul journey.
I feel patterns is an important step as by allowing ourselves to become aware of the patterns which we have created throughout our life and relationship's we begin to unravel a thread which has led us into a deep sleep.
As you are reading this book you will already be aware that we as humans have been asleep and now as we head into the golden age more and more of us are waking up, however in order for us to become fully awake to our abilities and our true purpose we must reconnect with our soul which will allow for our higher self to lead us and by doing so we begin the amazing and life changing process of un learning the human programming.
The beginning of this process will help us to recognize the patterns which we have formed and I will go into detail regarding patterns a bit later on but at this stage I would just like to briefly cover how our own self tends to form and nurture a pattern which we create.
From the moment we enter this world we are being conditioned by other human beings who are mainly our caregivers and society itself, of course this is not possible to avoid in any way as we are incapable of taking care of ourselves at this point or making our own decisions.
We are taught how to walk, talk and behave and what this actually does is it takes away the Freedom of our soul which is innocent in human ways and leaves us to rely completely upon those people around us to shape us and guide us on this human journey.
Whilst many of the teaching's which we receive may bring positive and light to our life for some it will give their soul one of the biggest battles that they could ever face.
As we grow we are forming into the version of ourselves which our parents or caregivers, teachers, siblings and peers believe we should be and without realising this we are a creation of all of these peoples beliefs and rules, in turn as we become adults we form relationships and create partnerships which then have the capacity to mould us to become a different version of this again.
For those people who are unlucky enough to cross paths with or become emotionally involved with a narcissistic personality type we could end up in a potentially soul damaging cycle for many lifetimes.
There will be intermittent times that some of us rebel as our soul will be trying to become free however many people at this point are labelled as troublemakers and the journey can be tough, these people are the way showers and should be celebrated however sadly in our Society they struggle in the early years often suppressing their inner wisdom as society just wants them to be quiet and conform.
The key here is to embrace the rebellion which you feel and learn to honour it, the fact that you're reading this book already tells me that your awareness of feelings and empathy is high and by allowing yourself to follow your own inner guidance and tune in deeply to your senses navigating your own sensory system will become easy therefore enabling you to identify what feels right and what feels wrong for your soul.
We are born and placed into a system which has been designed for us to follow it with no questions asked but by asking questions we break down the blind acceptance of being told who we should be and the conditioning which is placed upon us.