Truths to Live By

Thoughts and Insights

by Carolyn Hightower

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Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 4/04/2019

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 54
ISBN : 9781982225209
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 54
ISBN : 9781982225193

About the Book

This book came about by reading and contemplating many different aspects of awareness. It was not planned, nor was it even considered. Until one moment, Truths to Live By just started flowing from many different writings of truths down on paper so I could turn to them in times of sadness and despair. It’s a companion to have at hand.

About the Author

She started her journey about twelve years ago, when she woke up one morning and just simply asked, who really she was and why was she here. Unknowingly to what she had opened up to let come though was unimaginable. Many unbelievable experiences have occurred that have taken her into where the soul resides. The dark canvas of the mind where there are no thoughts, no identity, just peace. The mind alone cannot know this. When she was in her thirties she would lay down in the afternoon, fall asleep and leave her body. At that time she didn’t understand that she was not the body or the mind. After many years of believing she was just this body and mind, she could not believe this any longer. A profound understanding had come over her and took her into the depths of the one being we all truly are. She died on the sand of Kauai beach in 2017. She was aware that the pain was gone instantly, but was not aware of any thoughts or memories or that she had left the physical world, just a peaceful awareness was present. She came back to the physical world virtually unharmed. People tell her it was the lifeguards who saved her. The true understanding is that we are all one and that the one self is in all of us. The one self is the one that orchestrated the whole event. There is no other