In her own words, this is what Becky in spirit form had to say:
I was born in the great depression. Times were hard for everyone I knew and then my father died. His death altered my life beyond recognition. I was not just grieving but my mother took out her problems on me. I had been my dad’s favorite and he was no longer there to protect me.
I left an abusive mother to marry an abusive man. I jumped right out of the pan straight into the fire. I feel I did my best with what I knew. I wanted love. I had only known love from my father.
I made so many mistakes. It started early and lasted almost a lifetime.
When I was alive, I prayed for love. I had many people who truly loved me like my daughter-n-law and her daughter – my grandchild.
I worked hard for more than 50 years. I prayed for peace which I was given at the end of life. Being here, I now know that God doesn’t give you more than you can bare.
I wanted my son to forgive me for choosing my grand-daughter over him. Although, I would make the same choice again.
After my death, I was able to truly forgive my mother for her cruelty and jealousy because I could see my mother in a way I could not have in life. I finally saw and understood my mother’s fatigue and her feeling abandoned when my father died. I also saw her fear of starvation.
In crossing over I learned:
I know now that you can manifest the life you want. You don’t have to suffer. You can create a great life. A life of love, joy and prosperity. A life of great health. A life of purpose.
When I was alive, I believed life happened to you and that you were like a leaf in the wind. You were subjected to life’s storms. You were without power and therefore without hope.
What I wanted more than anything was love. I loved a man greatly before I died but that love was blind. He had a lot of serious problems and I let him hurt those I loved the most because I was desperate.
I did not believe in infinite wisdom and love of the divine. I thought I did at the time, but my thoughts and actions showed otherwise.
When I died, Sarah was there to greet me. Her glow was spectacular. She radiated love and beauty. I was engulfed in her love and so very happy to see her. I died a decade after my daughter. To me, that decade seemed longer. After she died, I could not wait to be reunited with her again as it broke my spirit when my daughter died. I know I did not show it but inside I decided to let go my desire to live. Even though we were not that close, she was my first born. My only child for many years as I was estranged from my son. I was ready and happy to die. My daughter-n-law and my grand-daughter no longer lived in the same state as I did. Years after I moved to be near them, they relocated to another state that seemed like another planet to me. Their leaving was the right thing for them to do.
I will stand by my daughter-n-law and her daughter, which is my grandchild for all eternity. I will watch over them. I love them both more than words can convey.
My daughter-n-law was always so kind to me. I needed her protection. I was too afraid of the repercussions to stand up for myself. She stood up for me when no one else did. It was amazing to me that someone so young had so much strength. She helped me so much. She was the daughter I needed. I can see that her life is and shall be amazing. She has a long life ahead of her and that makes me happy.
Even though I had several grand-children, one was my favorite and felt more like my child than my grand-child. She was a beautiful and delightful baby who grew into a very smart, gifted and a stunningly beautiful woman. To say, ‘I love her’, would be an under-statement. No words in the human language can convey how much I love her. I adore and admire her. She is a very strong woman with a great sense of purpose. She shall accomplish many great and wonderful things during her lifetime. I am so proud of her and happy to be able to watch her life unfold from the other side. She is a wonderful person who has so much love to give. I watch over her and send her love constantly.
Becky’s Lesson for the living: God doesn’t give you more than you can handle.
Question: How do you find peace and joy when you feel like you have more than you can handle or feel like life is difficult?
You pray to be shown how to resolve your challenges and/or for someone to be sent to you that can help you. The divine, your guides and the angels are waiting on you to ask for their help. They want to help you. You do not need to suffer or be alone. If you ask, you will receive.