Good morning,
Let’s have that cup of coffee together once again!
I had been in the restaurant industry most all of my life. I was born and bred on Taylor Street in Chicago. My father was born in Sicily in a small town called Palermo. Although my mother was also born in Chicago her heritage is of Naples. My grandmother and her siblings were all born there and made their way like most foreigners to the United States and so as a result, I am an Italian woman of both Northern and Southern descent. I feel my Italian heritage has allowed me to become the woman that I am: exciting, strong and to know I have a power greater than myself that functions through me and for this, I am grateful. However, my dad passed on when I was only three, leaving my mother to make her own way. Living in an old Italian neighborhood and coming up hard, pasta was all I knew; it was not before long that I knew my food was my power and it meant everything to me and so, as a little girl my dream began. I knew early on that somehow, someway the world, or at least some of it, would have my food.
For some of you an introduction won’t be necessary, however, for many it will. It does not matter though, as I am going to explain anyway and that will be the fun of it all. You see, I love what I do, and when you love what you do, you are automatically successful. That will be one of the most important lessons in all of this. Simply, doing what you love will power your life.
I am Donna DiMarco. If you know of me it would be as the lady entrepreneur, business woman and 15 year owner of DiMarco’s Restaurant in Antioch, IL. Also for a time, DiMarco’s Restaurant of Lake Zurich, IL. Yes, I am the lady that dropped out of life thirteen years ago. Well, not just thirteen years, but thirteen hard, very hard, years ago.
When we are lost, how then do we find our way again? Well, that’s what we are going to talk about in this process. I say we, because as I write some of my story for all of you; yes, I will pay attention to my own words. Unquestionably, I will never forget the lessons I have learned in this most difficult time of my life. Understand also . . . life and mind, in fact, are one in the same.
So, I say let’s have that coffee together again because I sent out a newsletter for most of the years I owned my precious DiMarco’s and “Coffee together” was my opening line.
Sometimes words cannot say what a heart feels. I can hardly express to all of you what it means to me to have been given this opportunity. It is as though we touch each other once more. Without question it is a gift, however, I know it is not only a gift from my readers, but also a gift from GOD. The greater gift is that GOD produces the words for me to share.
Well, I must say right here at the onset that what ever I write, type, imply, impart or teach in this material is not documented fact, nor am I or do I claim to be licensed or degreed as such. There was no particular school that I might have attended that helped me with any of what I hope to share with all of you. I guess I cannot be any clearer than that. My school has been the school of life. My lessons have come hard because I have lived them.
I will also make reference in the weeks and months ahead to the special people I so admire and respect and their words and wisdom that have come to bring me to a far more peaceful place in my heart and mind and soul.
So I guess what I am saying here is, that I am only sharing some of my most heart felt thoughts and experiences with all of you. I hope somehow, someway it might help as you travel that road upon your own life journey. So again, these words, thoughts and feelings that I trust we will all benefit from together, are simply for you to accept or reject, nothing more and nothing less and my love is always and only with all of you.
I do want to leave you with this introspection in mind. The seeds you plant will grow. Your thoughts are your seeds! I hope to have the ability to impress upon you, the seriousness of wrong thought and how the power of right thought will in fact, create a new life for all of us. And please know this is not a difficult process, that as we are born so too are we equipped with the simple attributes a higher intelligence has so keenly constructed within us.