24 Energies for Advanced Quantum Healing

Healing with Tachyon and Kryon Energies

by Dr. Florida MAOM D.D.

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Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 24/05/2019

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 106
ISBN : 9781982215293
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 106
ISBN : 9781982215286

About the Book

The energies are advanced healing technology, which were received in a vision during a meditative state in 2012. Dr. Florida has been utilizing the energies with fantastic results. The book is a teaching guide for healers about the energies and how to utilize them. The book guides the healer through an activation process, methods of protection, clearing, and methods and purposes for healing using the energies. Each energy has a different purpose. The energies can be used to heal physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects as a complement and amplification of currently used healing modalities. The energies are not meant to replace but to enhance.

About the Author

Dr. Florida, MAOM, D.D. is an Integrative Medicine Practitioner in Texas, National Speaker, and Author. Her doctorate focussed on how emotions play a role in our consciousness and in reverse how consciousness can be affected by emotions. She has extensive experience in mood and emotional disorders as well as digestive health. Her treatments and therapies focus on holistic natural healing. As an empath she utilizes her own journey and understanding of emotions to heal others. In addition to Oriental Medicine she uses therapeutic yoga, meditation, and Qigong therapy to help her patients with balance, injuries, pain, and mental emotional well being. She performs thousands of treatments annually and gives both local and national talks on Integrated Medicine and healing.