Ellie and the Sunflowers

by Michelle Black

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Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 16/01/2019

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 32
ISBN : 9781504316538
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.5x11
Page Count : 32
ISBN : 9781504316545

About the Book

Ellie and the Sunflowers is for children to ignite imagination, build confidence, and facilitate positive experiences when situations or environments may prompt anxiety or fear, experienced as fight, freeze, or flight. Imagination is enlivened through the story of Ellie and the metaphor of the sunflowers to help her experience a new setting. Underpinning the story is the science—neurology, biology, and psychology of emotions. It is science that informs the actions to counter unpleasant feelings of anxiety and fear, activating a calm state and confidence to initiate and to self-manage situations or environments that children may find challenging. My vision for children all over the world is for them to engage in the story and apply what they learn to foster confidence and new experiences to enjoy. Parents, teachers, family members, care givers, counsellors, cousins, and friends can leverage the story to engage children and help them to build confidence to stand up tall, to imagine, thrive and independently self-manage anxiety or fear in a simple and effective way.

About the Author

Michelle Black is the Founding Director of Elegrow Pty Ltd. Michelle is a Consultant, Educator and Counselling Practitioner. A leader and advocate for leveraging the evidence to guide people to find their solutions and build resilience to live well, thrive and experience fully. Michelle has a Master of Counselling, a Graduate Certificate in Corporate Management, is a registered ACA Counsellor and Fellow of the Australian Institute of Training and Development. Michelle developed Australia’s first evidence based program to combat Compassion Fatigue (also known as Secondary Trauma) among community care professionals, is passionate about providing contextualised resources for trauma and anxiety and an advocate for post traumatic growth. Michelle has more than 20 years’ experience leading organisational development and positive growth with individuals, and organisations.