This book has been compiled with the intention to humbly assist anyone who wishes to break free from a cyclical, unfulfilling or uninspiring life. It has been written for anyone who believes that there is more to life than meets the eye and for anyone who wishes to inject passionate love into their day to day living. It is for those of you who have not yet found your purpose or your passion and are caught up in the daily grind of life without feeling much satisfaction or joy. It is for anyone who wants more for themselves and for others but do not feel that this is possible or that life is consistently working against you. It is for you if you feel stagnant and limited yet deeply desire to grow. This book is for you if you want to make a change but feel fearful of upsetting the ‘status quo’ at the risk of perceived balance and stability. It is for anyone who feels at loss in their relationships, finances, health, levels of joy, peace or love. If this sounds like you, if you are seeking more from life - congratulations on taking the first step towards having a beautiful one.
I’m here to tell you that you are far more powerful and in control than you could possibly imagine. I’m here to tell you that there are no mistakes in nature – that includes yourself and your circumstances. I’m here to let you know that you are loved, supported and guided more than you could ever realise. I’m here to tell you that success is a state of mind and a state of being which is reflected in your surroundings. There is Divine order of which you are a vital component part. How can I say this with such conviction? Because there was a point in my life where I was sceptical, disconnected, depressed and felt downright hopeless. I took charge of my mind and nurtured it. Now it serves me - rather than me serving it. As a result, I feel genuine joy, excitement, love, fulfilment, peace and (most excitingly) guidance and connection consistently and regularly - and when I don’t - I know how to get back to those states quickly. I took responsibility and charge of my personal suffering and decided to do something about it. The Universe met me at the level that I met myself and I have never looked back. As a result, I feel aligned with my purpose and my passion. My greatest realisation has been that in order to change my life for the better, the work was never needed outside of myself - it was always internal.
No matter where you are in life, it is my intention to help you realise that happiness and sadness are choices that we make on a day to day, minute to minute and second to second basis. The mirroring of our choices can be seen around us, in our experiences and circumstances. If you want to understand what you think about on a consistent basis - just look around you. Through the awareness of unconscious cycles of thinking that occur within the mind, it is my intention to help you realise your magnificent creative abilities and your personal power for change.
The journey from sadness to happiness; from emptiness to deep satisfaction; from fear to love; from scarcity to abundance; from despair to hope, always begin in those life changing, split-second, often ‘rock bottom’ moments, when we decide NO MORE. Massive change happens during these times where the pain of staying where we are is greater than the fear of change. When we reach these stages in our lives, huge transformation is possible. These moments in our lives are the markers of success and growth. By you acquiring this book, you have consciously or unconsciously, made a decision. You have bravely stated your intention for change.
When the mind expands, it can not go back to it’s original state. By choosing to read this book, you have opened up an opportunity to expand your mind and your horizons regardless of whether or not the book is actually read. This desire to search is the greatest catalyst for change. I urge you to run with this opportunity, to build momentum and not to look back. It is for this reason, I thank (and encourage you to thank) your struggles and dissatisfaction, as without them you would not be on track to seeking the maximum fulfilment of your desires and the deep sense of satisfaction from life that is possible through continued personal expansion.
The principles outlined in this book are drawn from my own personal experience, intuitive guidance and the teachings from around the world. I have spent over 20 years studying and applying these principles and feel connected enough to my inner and higher being to write this book for you. These teachings have come from some of the happiest and most fulfilled people on the planet and also from the wisdom stored within my heart – an innate, pure wisdom that is accessible to all of us. Subsequently, the contents of the book may resonate with you at a heart and soul level. It may just feel right and make sense. If it does, I urge you to use it and continue your personal development. It is a firm belief of mine that self investment is the best investment that any of us can make and always leads to success.