Get Conscious

Wake up to your Personal Power, Magnificence and Divine Connection

by Dr. Risha Joshi

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Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 28/05/2019

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 80
ISBN : 9781982228057
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 80
ISBN : 9781982228040

About the Book

During these modern times when technological and intellectual advancements are at an all time high, symptoms of disconnection are also following suit. The lack of connection we have between our Mind, Body, Spirit impacts how we perceive ourselves, impacts our relationships, our health, the quality of our lives, our success levels, our wellness and our levels of happiness and joy. Unless we understand the role of the Mind and learn how to master it, it can steer us in the direction of chronic fear based emotion on subtler and grand scales, leading to suffering. The good news is that in order to positively impact our lives we need to deeply understand that our psychological make up is reflected in our external environment and that we are CREATORS who have the choice to change that. This book aims to bridge the gap between you and the deepest parts of you, to guide you towards your greatest, most loving relationship – the one that you have with yourself.

About the Author

From being a dentist by day to being a modern day Shaman by night, Risha aims to HEAL and bridge the gap between Science and Spirituality to bring balance, wellness and love into the lives of those she crosses paths with. This book is an attempt to bring clarity and modern day relevance to ancient, sacred teachings so that people can live a life feeling more fulfilled, VITAL and full of LOVE.