Pivotal Shift

A Novel

by Don Ellison

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Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 31/08/2018

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 406
ISBN : 9781982210038
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 406
ISBN : 9781982210045

About the Book

This novel is one character’s spiritual journey to unfold his consciousness to an expanded level. While experiencing drastic measures, both psychically and electronically, to take over his sovereign self, he found that he was waking up to his destiny that was unparalleled in his life. He learns that higher-consciousness beings are watching over him, protecting him and leading him through experiences that force him to rely on his creative potential, to overcome concrete measures that impede his movement forward in his spiritual life. Ben spends a lifetime in pursuit of alternative spiritual groups to develop his consciousness. This seems to be an innate drive that Ben is unaware of in the early part of his young adult life. Meeting interesting people along the way become the bedrock of his development to a higher state of being. As he begins to recognize changes in his consciousness, he takes steps to protect himself from unwanted internal manipulation. Synchronistic experiences manifest in his environment to lead him to intuitive answers that connect the dots that shed light on his adversaries. In the end, he becomes an individual that he could not have recognized in his earlier life. He is on a mission, as he begins to recognize transforming his life into ascended consciousness. He is firmly embedded in the light, rarely looking back at his darker days; he is still here.

About the Author

Teaching and learning has been a challenge and inspiration for over thirty years, due to working with children from ages two to eighteen years in public and private schools. Becoming an Art teacher and an Early Childhood Specialist with a master’s degree led me to researching how creativity functioned as a jumping off point for deeper exploration of spiritual natures. Going to the source of my spiritual experiences, and conducting my own research, inspired me to explore the mechanics of spiritual sciences in parapsychology. Metaphysical and religious groups brought me full circle. I learned I had been abducted when I was a child by extraterrestrials, and I had a destiny to fulfill. Other Physical and Metaphysical Processes: • Sun gazing, crystal healing, Dowsing, and channeling extraterrestrials as well as angels, and my own over-soul, brought me to an omnipresent level of spiritual awareness. • Buddhism and Christ consciousness created a more rounded spiritual experiential level. • Conducting workshops in Dowsing, Crystal healing, Numerology, and Visualization groups continues to be my focus today. I also continue to lecture when I can. I develop my own consciousness and ascension processes in writing my books.