Encounter Between Two Worlds

A Journey from Myself to Myself

by Louise Illig-Mooncie

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Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 18/02/2019

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 184
ISBN : 9781982221195
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 184
ISBN : 9781982221188
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 184
ISBN : 9781982221171

About the Book

A guilt-complex-burdened German woman in her late twenties who is a divorced, heartbroken, hardworking single parent sets out on a spiritual journey to find herself and some of the answers to life’s challenging questions, including the possibility of reincarnation. Heading for burnout, the author Louise Illig-Mooncie signs up to see a Holy Man in India. Her Indian diary of first impressions and her slow transformation are a delight to read. She has two life-changing experiences in the space of a few months: an encounter with a ghost, a young Jewish man, whom she believes to have died in the Holocaust. “As if that experience wasn’t enough to turn my life around,” Louise says. “The heavens challenged me with a near-death experience.” Nothing can stay the same after such powerful events. In Encounter Between Two Worlds, Louise offers a genuine account of her experience as someone in a personal and spiritual crisis and, particularly, as a young German woman who struggles with her country’s troubled past. Louise is now on a personal peace mission, believing in the oneness of all things and beings. She hopes that her book will be a catalyst for people to see life and death for that matter in a different light and to help them to live in harmony and peace with the world around them. Encounter Between Two Worlds narrates the touching, sincere, humorous, honest, and unusual story of Louise Illig-Mooncie’s very personal spiritual journey.

About the Author

Louise Illig-Mooncie came to writing through a series of life-changing experiences, which she believes to have a deeper meaning. She worked for most of her life for two European TV companies in London and then became an independent Film Producer/Director, making a number of well-received films, including Chartres Cathedral - A Sacred Geometry, The Miracle of Puttaparthi and Sai Baba - God on Earth? Louise was the first woman to be given permission to make films about the late guru Sai Baba.