100 Chakra System

Introduction to Negative Energy Release Work

by Raven Shamballa

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Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 23/07/2019

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 218
ISBN : 9781982216412
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8x10
Page Count : 218
ISBN : 9781982216405

About the Book

The 100 Chakra System is a revolutionary spiritual work. When all 7 chakras are open and flowing you are functioning at optimal. When you are cleared up to the 100th chakra, you are illuminated with Divine light and on the path of Ascension. Raven defines the anatomy of the energy body which includes 100 chakras and the anatomy of the Lightbody which contains our Higherself. New concepts are discussed like the differences between opened and closed chakras and the concept of negative energies. Raven defines types of negative energies that can disrupt energy flow in chakra system. Raven introduces psychic development and how to open spiritual gifts. She speaks about the differences between clearing the chakras and meditation. In order to channel one’s guides, the spiritual chakra need to be activated and the 100 chakras need to be cleared. Negative Energy Release Work, is a style of pranic healing taught by Raven, which is introduced here. The self-healing section provides a self-study course for you to start your own energy healing practice. The 100 Chakra System book is the foundation work for Raven’s psychic development courses and introduces concepts that are explored in her work.

About the Author

In 2014, Raven Shamballa awoke from an operation to find she was a full blown psychic. Raven was told under anesthesia, she went to the Light Realms and it was decided by her Counsel of Masters to wake her up so she could develop a new system of energy healing called Negative Energy Release Work and create this book defining the 100 Chakras. Raven lives in Oceanside, CA, where she works as an energy healer, psychic and psychotherapist. She continues to write books, lead meditation and expand the content of this work on-line. For more information see her website www.ravenlightbody.com, search Raven Shamballa on YouTube. Search Raven Lightbody on Facebook. Search ravanshamballalightbody on Instagram. Readings are available by phone or in person in Oceanside CA. Psychic readings include past lives, finding your life purpose, angel names, relationship issues, advancing in spiritual practice, psychic development and galactic origins. Negative Energy Release Work is an energy healing technique taught by Raven. For more information on classes and workshops visit her website. Raven, grew up as Monica Kelly in Clovis, CA. Her parents were immigrants. Her mom was born in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil and her father was born in Calcutta, India. After he father was converted at a Billy Gram crusade, her father decided to become a Christian minister in America. Raven grew up within a strong Christian faith. In college, Raven decided to practice hatha yoga to explore her Indian roots. That led to countless workshops on the subject of metaphysics. During this time she lived in a yoga community which introduced her to meditation, Kriya yoga and Raja Yoga. She returned to Fresno for graduate school. She graduated as a Marriage and Family Therapist at California State University Fresno in 2008. After graduation she discovered energy work, spiritual hypnosis and past life regression. After the psychic opening a direct connection was established with her angelic team allow her to pursue this work of teaching about the energy body and helping others open their psychic gifts.