Breeze, Storm, Hurricane

by Shilah des Anges

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Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 26/07/2019

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 422
ISBN : 9781982229573
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 422
ISBN : 9781982229580

About the Book

A riveting coming of age story of those whose stories are not often told. Lives full of love, disappointments, obstacles, blessings and discoveries. A cautionary tale of street life with the nuance of family love, support and courage. Not all children on the streets are compelled to be there. Some choose the excitement of the street life to escape the loneliness, sadness and boredom that numbs the souls of children that come from “good families”. Growing up Black in America often times, instills a powerlessness in youth. Gabriella, Chance, Lorenzo and Kharisma discover how to reclaim their power in different ways. A journey of healing, love, pain, growth and change that leads to self-empowerment and love. Every soul chooses its own path and along the journey God speaks in us and through us as a Breeze, Storm or Hurricane.

About the Author

Shilah des Anges is the creator of Love Your Journey Counseling & Well-Being, LLC. She is a Licensed Master Social Worker, Spiritual Life Coach, Kemetic Reiki Practitioner, Advocate and Speaker. She is a graduate of Inner Visions Institute for Spiritual Development. She is passionate about inspiring and empowering others; especially adolescents and young adults on their journey to self-love. Life is a journey; love it or change it!