Deep Self-Healing

A Personal Story and Spiritual Guide

by Louise Armitage

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Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 6/08/2018

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 412
ISBN : 9781504313773
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 412
ISBN : 9781504313872

About the Book

In Deep Self-Healing, Louise Armitage­–a professional natural therapist–describes her unexpected journey of mind/body/spirit healing and personal transformation through “mindfulness meditation”.

Her story explores how she faced healing the many faces of hard-personal circumstances and bitter emotional pain common to many people–like relationship breakdowns, grief, worthlessness, powerlessness and anxiety. As well as providing an in depth-account of her own self-healing process, woven through her story are thoughtful discussions of important spiritual-healing concepts such as the role of karma, past-lives and soul evolution.

Deep Self-Healing is therefore a unique blending of an intimate and honest personal story, with the important spiritual-healing principles underpinning it.

“For both healers and all who seek personal growth, Deep Self-Healing–a Personal Story and Spiritual Guide offers a rare and highly useful resource… This is a book to be read, re-read, and well-studied”.

–Scott Mandelker Ph.D. Teacher, counsellor and author of “From Elsewhere” and “Universal Vision”.

About the Author

With around twenty years’ experience as a professional homeopath and Bowen therapist, Louise Armitage has an extensive background in natural healing. Born in Adelaide (Australia) in 1960, her interest in natural health and spirituality started in her late teens, when she bought a copy of the I Ching. But it wasn’t until 1995–and after winding a career path through both education and marketing communications–that she left the mainstream working world to pursue her career as a natural healer.

Her interest in mind/body/spirit healing was born out of her own personal work and the holistic healing principles she learned from homeopathic medicine. In her work, she brings together her healing, teaching and communications skills to help people with their health issues and take control of their own wellbeing. But her driving interest is to help people discover the vital connections between their physical wellbeing, emotional landscape and spiritual nature to help them discover how this rich interplay relates to their life experience.

As a professional healer, Louise has devoted her efforts to helping people by working in private practice. This included a decade working in semi-remote South Australia, an experience presenting her with challenges quite different from those posed by a city-based practice.

Louise’s qualifications include a Bachelor of Education, Advanced Diploma in Homeopathic Medicine and a Diploma of Bowen Therapy (Bowtech). Her other natural healing studies include Homeopathic Facial Analysis (HFA), Western herbal medicine and nutrition. In 2001, she was awarded the Warren Brauer Memorial Award for excellence in homeopathy and medical science, while in 2007 she was a contributing author to Linlee Jordan’s book Challenging Children-Success with Homeopathy. Louise currently works in regional South Australia.
