Inner Symphony

by Annemarie O'Connell

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Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 20/06/2018

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.25x11
Page Count : 74
ISBN : 9781504397704

About the Book

After exploring many different modalities, Annemarie learned a great deal of essential information and used it to create a regimen to treat her disease. She decided to use the information she learned to create a workbook that allowed her to map out her day using the principles she learned. This workbook became a key tool in facilitating her healing. The book made it easy to follow the principles and exercises throughout the day. It was so effective that she decided to use it as a tool when people came into the Hold Our Hand facilities. And now Annemarie is making this workbook available to everyone outside the centers as well.

About the Author

Annemarie O’Connell was diagnosed with Stage 4b ovarian cancer and followed a traditional western medical path which included extensive surgery and chemotherapy. Annemarie’s cancer went into remission for a year, but returned worse than the first time. When traditional chemotherapy was no longer effective, she decided to put all efforts into an alternative medical and Spiritual regimen. Her cancer went into remission, thanks to all of these practices, and she feels it is the reason she remains healthy today. She continues to educate and nourish her body spiritually, emotionally and physically each day so it remains in a constant healing state. Her vision is to establish the Hold Our Hand Rejuvenation and Education center that encompasses all the modalities under one roof. Annemarie would like to offer the services with asking only a suggested donation. Her will is to ensure that patients do not make funding a deciding factor when making decisions regarding their treatment options.