Loving Yourself through Obstacles
As you can imagine, I had many questions to ask Spirit regarding my personal life and that of humanity. As the dialogue became more detailed, I became quite fatigued, struggling to maintain focus in my efforts to interpret the information coming through me to the pendulum. I was instructed to quiet my mind so that I could grasp the depth of the material as well as increase the speed of transmission. I learned that when a demand is placed on the physical senses, a slower process of communication can occur. So, the distortion in depth of understanding is likely. With the quieting of the mind comes trust: trusting that Spirit will answer a request and trust in myself to allow it.
There is another level of open-mindedness required in receiving and allowing Spirit communication with the mind. I was frustrated in the beginning, because I was trying to use my physical senses instead of my nonphysical knowing—my head instead of my heart. Spirit told me I was ready, and I felt ready to take on this new method of communication, but it was like taking a step backward while I basically learned a new language. Not only was I breaking the barriers of fear, I was opening my mind to greater levels understanding and possibility. I had to surrender.
Surrender is the key to dealing with any obstacle in life. As an empath, I often struggle as I feel the emotions of others and wish to help or intervene in their lives. Spirit always tells me to quiet my mind and just love them. What does that mean? Sometimes, loving them is taking action by giving or receiving in some way. Either way, it is love, honoring the Creator. When I love myself, I become an instrument of healing to others. When I asked about a difficult situation, Spirit once told me the following:
“Your physical world of contrast can be very challenging that sometimes it feels comforting to imagine leaving, as an escape. When viewed through only the mind, the difficulties can become overbearing. Many people have been fooled by this illusion. The mind cannot comprehend the immortality of the Spirit-Self. It is a creation of physical, lower frequency and all its work is a product of it.”
Quieting the mind allows your soul to access the higher realms where love is. Your inspiration, motivation and reasons for living exist there. The peaceful, higher Self and all the wisdom of the Creator invites you to dine and dance in love. All that you need to know in regard to the purpose and resiliency of your life become apparent when your mind is quiet. The only possible way to love yourself is through the quieting of the mind. Higher consciousness cannot be constrained into earthly frequencies.
It is Easy to Love Yourself
“You are not your body.” – Volcaria
It is easy to love yourself when you do not, wholly, identify with the body. Have reverence for the body as a vehicle for experiencing the earthly life; find joy in the use of the body for creating wonderful stories, as a child creates imaginary characters and personalities.
Rise above the story to remember your true essence and to reposition your character in the story you have created. You are never stuck in time or space and you are never stuck with the same story. The body and its physical world are like clay. You can mold them into any shape or experience you wish by adjusting your perspective. If the clay rests for too long in one place, it will dry and become rigid in form. Keep flexible and fluid in your mind so that you can change shape as your life requires of you.
Your body is at your service. It was created for your enjoyment and expansion. Come out to play! Your Spirit-Self is the vibrant energy that inhabits and animates the body. The love from which you came is who you are. It is easy to love yourself, and from this perspective, it is easy to appreciate and care for the body.
Would Fear Play with Love?
Fear would want to play with love, but would be too afraid. The vastness of love would dissolve the resistance of fear. If fear had the courage to play with love, it would evolve into love itself. This is why love loves all. Love is unaffected by fear. Love your enemies so they will be calmed and healed.
Fear, alone, has no lasting power. The ego-self is the author of fear. This is why it seeks many to be in agreement with its cause.
Love, alone, has the unlimited power of the Universe. Love seeks no one and attracts everyone who is ready.
Quiet Your Mind to Find Some Reason to Live
“Trust in spirit to love your life.” - Volcaria
The dreams of escaping this world can be alluring and comforting. Difficulties surround you at every turn, weighing heavily on your mind. When your life is viewed only through the mind, you feel stuck in the quicksand of your thoughts. Everything is grey. You can’t get a breath.
You are being fooled by an illusion. Your mind cannot comprehend the immortality of the Spirit-Self. The mind is the creation of the physical, material world—limited in abilities.
Quieting the mind allows your soul, the overseer of the mind, to access the higher realms of consciousness, where the wisdom of love lives. Your inspiration, motivation and desire for living exist there. You are invited to dine with Spirit in these higher realms where you are loved. You are invited to dance with the Creator here where you are exalted and uplifted in the presence of all Divine beings. In quieting your mind, you remember the adventure of this journey back to love.
Make Peace with Your Challenges
To Become a Master
A Prayer
I surrender to all the challenges in my life. As I travel down the road, without hesitation, I walk around the obstacles that have been erected in my path. If there is no room to walk, I crawl. If the space is too narrow, I jump. If my legs are too tired to jump, I ask Spirit to carry me. I do not look back because I am moving forward and must see where I’m going. I surrender to the seeming imperfections of myself. Without them, I would not know love.