“In every culture and in every medical tradition before ours, healing was accomplished by moving energy.” - Nobel Laureate of Medicine Albert Szent-Gyorgy
Science and Scripture confirm each other at the point of truth. We can utilize scientific explanations of energy medicine to understand some of the mysteries in Scripture-and we can use Scripture to confirm the truth of the science. Science proves that all matter vibrates. Scripture supports the theory that all of creation is held together by the vibration of sound. Science proves the existence of the frequencies that surround the human body. Scripture supports the design of the human chakra energy system. Science proves the harmonic frequencies of health and disease. Scripture supports the use of harmonic tones to restore health. We are blessed with an energy field filled with vibrations that hold our human form together, and support our physical, mental and emotional health.
Since vibrational frequencies sustain the beautiful design of our body, even subtle shifts within these frequencies can pull us off of our original design. Utilizing specific applied sound frequencies is the most natural form of treatment to restore the body back into a balanced and harmonic state. Have you heard the saying “music is the universal language?” This turns out to be true. There is a universal vibrational pattern within all humans that resonates with the harmonic frequencies of music. Alfred Tomatis’ work with the Benedictine monks proved how beneficial the harmonics of musical notes are for physical as well as psychological health.
We are not the first culture to discover the power of applied sound and vibration. However, we are the first to have the scientific tools to prove what ancient wisdom knew intuitively. Lack of knowledge and fear are great obstacles to conscious awareness of the potential that lies within every person. “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.” (Hosea 4:6) With knowledge comes empowerment, and the ability to choose. As we learn to shift our individual vibrations, we can also create a group field that shifts the vibrational frequency of our community. Collectively, we can begin to shift the entire world. Think of it like an orchestra. One instrument starts to play, sending a vibration into the room. Another instrument joins with the first, adding its frequency to the sound. Eventually, all of the instruments in the orchestra are playing together, creating exquisite harmonics that transform whoever is listening. Together, we are more powerful than we realize!
Every system within the human body contains the capacity for electromagnetic communication. It is this electrical communication that allows all of our systems to interact and work together. The healthy biological and psychological functioning of every person is dependent upon this electromagnetic transfer. Understanding the energetic nature of our being provides mental awareness of how it functions. However, it is also necessary to have the conscious physical experience of feeling the energetic field. Fortunately, there are simple practices you can use to develop this heightened sense of yourself. Since Bioenergetics is not something Western culture has fully embraced, the process of learning about the energetic aspect of our being can be a lonely path. It is our responsibility as Bioenergetic therapists to train this generation and raise up the next generation to understand how to repair distortions in the energetic field of the body before they manifest as illness in the physical, mental or emotional body.
Bioenergetics focuses on the wellness patterns of the body, not on illness patterns. Practitioners listen to the body’s signals and symptoms as a means of determining where to hold strong resonant frequencies of health. Bioenergetics also looks at defense patterns not as a means of defining a person, but as a means of determining how the client is hiding, or defending their authentic self-expression. The ability to help the client feel where in their body emotions, memories and trauma have been held, and then uncover the distorted belief systems that developed, is a vital tool for creating lasting change.
Our society has become dependent on drugs and a disease-focused medical model to support our health. The truth is we have an innate internal ability to regulate our own healing. We also have the ability to help support others as they reclaim their own healing power. This is all available to us through the resonant frequencies we choose to hold. What a magnificent design! When we learn to open ourselves to the constant resonant frequency of earth, keep our chakras and auric field charged with the harmonic frequencies of health, supply our body with healthy nutrition, and align our thoughts with truth we have all the support we need to maintain physical and psychological balance.