Free Preview taken from Introduction
Miscarriage and stillbirth are, even in this day and age, commonly treated as highly taboo words. Something best ignored and swept under the carpet so as to avoid causing any upset or embarrassment to others. I have studied numerous testimonies from women whose feelings and concerns have been cruelly dismissed because their loss was somehow deemed less important, less valid, than other losses.
Free Preview taken from Conclusion
The loss of a life before it had even begun is an almost incomprehensible concept, yet the bereaved parent has endured the unimaginable and is still standing. We may be completely unsteady and frequently collapse under the weight of our broken hearts, but eventually, we get up again and force one foot in front of the other. This is the way of the warrior and what a formidable warrior is she or he who has lost the most precious of gifts.
Although you cannot physically hold your child right now, and the longing to touch, to see and to be with them continues, I hope that my experiences have offered some comfort, hope and reassurance that they are still very much with you and always will be. The beautiful relationship you shared with your little one continues on in spiritual form.
Free Preview taken from Chapter 21
My second visit to Juelle took place a few months after the first. I had a couple of minor health niggles which I thought might benefit from a holistic approach, and given her training and experience as a naturopath, I hoped that she might be able to help.
As always, I was made to feel extremely comfortable in her presence, and we sat and chatted for over an hour, Juelle asking me various questions to decipher the best course of action. I felt totally at ease and was made to feel that we had all the time in the world, unlike a lot of my rushed visits to the GP where it was often very much a case of “Hello, yes I see, well here you go, goodbye.”
We decided on a plan of action, and I felt positive that we could begin to alleviate my symptoms. I gathered that the session had concluded and started preparing to leave the room when Juelle announced that my son was with us. The conversation continued like this...
Juelle “I meditated before you arrived and your son came through then, he's actually been with us throughout, waiting patiently.”
Me “That's so lovely. I honestly thought that this would be more of a medical appointment and wasn't expecting to hear from spirit at all, what a brilliant bonus!”
Juelle “Spirit like coming through for you because you have a pure spirit also, you attract them.”
Me “Thank you, I love hearing from them.”
Juelle “He is so close to you, all the time. His love is so strong, and he is asking me to tell you not to feel bad about anything. He is telling me you really miss that you were unable to hold him in your arms, he says that you wrestle with the pain from this deeply. The physical longing is so relentless, but he wants me to tell you that he loves you so much and that it was nothing you did wrong, nothing at all. Please don’t ever think that it was.”
Me “That’s absolutely right.I desperately grieve for the babe in arms. The fact that I didn’t get to hold him, or to kiss him, really upsets me still.”
Juelle “He is so clear, he’s the most connected spirit I've seen for a long time. Shall I describe what I'm seeing and feeling?”
Me “Yes please.”
Juelle “He is this happy, artsy, cheeky, dashing, light, angelic, ethereal looking gentle soul. He has lighter rather than darker hair, he is just gorgeous! He is talking to me about poetry. I'm not sure if he writes or if you do? He definitely has a way with words, though, he has a great sense of humour too.”
Me “I do like writing poetry and recently wrote a poem for and about him. Your description, it’s funny, another medium described Kieran using some of the exact same words as you did - that is amazing, thank you!”
Juelle “You’re very welcome. He’s asked me to say that he feels that it would be healing for you to create. He is suggesting that you paint. He asked me not to suggest that you sketch because you'd panic and say that you can't draw.”
Me (laughing) “That’s so true, I can just about manage matchstick men drawings but as for anything else, well no.”
Juelle “He says that he will help you to paint and that in some way, the painting will look like or somehow be about him. I think you might need to get some paint.”
Me “Yes I think so too!”
Juelle “He wants me to tell you again that he decided when to leave, it was his soul's journey.”
Me “Thank you.”
Juelle “He chose you because of your unique qualities, he expressly wanted you, and no other. I feel like he was a gift for you.”
Me “Thank you, that's so lovely. Those words you just used, this is so strange. I used those words in my poem. In two of the lines. In one I thank him for choosing me and no other, and in a separate part of the writing, I describe him as being a precious gift. That is so odd but really wonderful!”
Juelle “While he is here and strong, would you like to do a guided meditation so that you can be with him? I can hold his energy as we go.”
I nodded in agreement, closed my eyes and relaxed back into the chair...