Are you able to claim your rightful place and expect abundance in your life? Do you believe that you do not have to make an excuse for the fact that you exist because you are exactly where you’re supposed to be?’ If your answer is no, read on, but first make peace with the fact that lasting change happens slowly. It is impossible to change years and years of wrong input before and after birth, abuse, self-abuse, hate and self-hatred in one, or even two years. The information that first opened my eyes and my mind was the truth that we are vibrational beings that receives and emanates vibration (frequency), and that sound has an integral effect on us, but more important is the fact that we each has our own unique frequency, as unique as our fingerprints, and unless you are ringing according to your own frequency, you will continue to feel out of place.
The question is; HOW do you find your own frequency and change the wrong one you currently have? Could it be by claiming your rightful place and owning the space you occupy? Yes it is, but still, how do you own the space you occupy? It is forever the ‘how’ that eludes people. First of all, stop giving your space and your place away to other people! Stand your ground and fearlessly own your space and claim your rightful pace. Refuse to be dictated to on how you should live your life. Start trusting the Spirit of God inside of you to guide you in all things. God’s Spirit can lead you into finding the frequency you should be ringing and the song you should be singing. You have to sing your own song! You should be free from the oppression of this world, and you are, but you must first wake up and realize that you are allowed to be free.
Everything in life has a song and they sing it to the honor of the Creator. You too, have a frequency, and if you are not singing to your own tune, you have learned the song of another. Change is both necessary and inevitable, but it starts with you and you alone. Our biggest problem is our minds, and meditation will teach you how to discipline your mind and your thoughts. To me it seems that it is crucial to attain inner peace at any cost – that is the main aim. Here’s the thing; as long as you feel unworthy, none of the big material things will appear. You cannot lie to your own spirit. It knows what you really want and need and what you truly believe. Wealth is only a by-product of inner abundance. Waking up is a process and you owe it to yourself to find a way, but it must be your awakening, not your awakening based on what others dictate. Start today. You owe it to yourself to keep on seeking till you have reached your goal. We were not born to be slaves of the systems of the world. We were created to be the rulers on this earth. Know that you are worthy, and that you do not have to earn your worthiness in some way, or justify your existence.
There is more to life than what you’ve been told. That’s the good news. I would die if someone was able to convince me that life was only about eating, drinking, working and sleeping - so mundane. If you want to change your life permanently you MUST get off autopilot and practice your new future every day. Practice makes perfect is an age-old saying, but it is true. By practicing your new future every day you will be able to claim your rightful place and own the space you occupy. You have to discover who you really are, how your mind works, how you can use it to benefit you and change your life for the better by creating a new reality, and how to connect to your inner self, everything in the universe, and God.
Why is it important to become self-aware? Because our constant thought-patterns solidify into habits and beliefs and they are difficult to change once they are set into your subconscious mind. In the beginning your mind will resist the change because it thinks it has to protect you from the unknown, whom it sees as a threat, but gently persist and allow yourself to get use to the idea of practicing your new future every day till you have reached your goal. It is said that in average, it takes twenty-one days for your mind to get use to a new idea, but you must persist past the twenty-one days if that is what it takes. You have to persist in developing new habits - your new future depends on it. Allow space for bad days and days where you will feel discouraged by letting go of the need to manage and control everything in your life. Total surrender is the perfect place to be, and the hardest place to find.
What does it mean to practice your new future every day? It means that you first get to decide how you want your life to be, and then you do whatever it takes to reach that goal. The world is waking up to this wonderful knowledge; that can you create your circumstances through your thoughts. Pure thoughts attract good things into your life while evil thoughts will attract negative things into your life. The law of sow and reap – law of attraction, is as unyielding as the law of gravity, yet everybody seems to accept the law of gravity, but negates the law of sow and reap. You are able to choose the thoughts, words and feelings that are in line with the future you desire. You are able to practice these new thoughts, words and feelings until you live the life you want. Refuse to give up!