How Me Found I

Mastering the Art of Pivoting Gracefully through Life

by Abigail Diaz Juan

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Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 19/06/2017

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 308
ISBN : 9781504308472
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 308
ISBN : 9781504308465

About the Book

”It's obvious [Abby] that you have definitely had an opening and you have the articulation of the profound truths that you're able to bring to people, whether they're laymen or whether they are veterans.

You’re bringing ‘It’ in a very powerful way.”

—Michael Bernard Beckwith—
Founder & Spiritual Director, Agape International Spiritual Center
Author, “Life Visioning and Spiritual Liberation”

How Me Found I: Mastering the Art of Pivoting Gracefully Through Life is a book focused on the philosophy of “multidimensional spherical thinking” and how to manifest the fullness of the life you want by operating from the center point of your experiences as a human being.

This book will provide insights on helping a person improve his/her conscious understanding of their multidimensionality existence within a person’s scientific holographic reality here in their everyday 3D experiences through the strengthening of their critical thinking skills; the understanding of their own true natural composite state of being as it was always meant to be; the activation and alignment of their fullest potential in sync with nature and their own innate design; and ultimately pivots them accordingly into an accelerated life of true abundance, joyous existence, and fulfilling completeness.

ABIGAIL DIAZ JUAN is a global citizen and world traveler. After coming to the United States from Afghanistan, she became a successful businesswoman, entrepreneur, and venture capitalist. As a teacher and founder of the Diamond Quest Company, she assists others in walking their own destiny paths to greatness. Visit her online at

About the Author

A global citizen and world traveler, Abby Juan started her life as a daughter of a diplomat in Afghanistan and went on to become a successful businesswoman, entrepreneur, and venture capitalist in the United States, until she experienced a spontaneous kundalini awakening at the height of her business career. That pivotal illness, which kept her bedridden for close to two years, was purposeful. During that time, the stillness set her on a completely different path, one of self-discovery and profound spiritual understanding. It exposed her to the deeper mysteries of life, showing how she could attain balance, harmony, and greatness in her world as she learned it could be. This resulted in a passionate calling to share what she knew to be true. Today, her past life behind her, Abby devotes her life to sharing the knowledge she received. As a teacher and Sherpa guide, she assists others in walking their own paths to greatness in the same manner as she was shown. These desires to help humanity first began with the creation of the Diamond Quest Company and its Natural Person Paradigm workshops, ultimately leading to the writing of this book. It is Abby’s sincerest hope that, given the precarious state of our world today, humanity will be able to return to its original purpose of our existence here, that of an empowered steward of this beautiful planet of ours. It is our noblesse oblige to Mother Nature and to God. But to do so, each of us must first remember who we are as a human being: a natural person, inherently powerful in our own right. Abby can be contacted at