Living a Spiritualized Life is about healing our minds, emotions, and spirit through a power greater than our small, physical selves—through an inner strength beyond anything of this world. This Higher Power is not associated with religious theology. It is, instead, a spiritual (spirit in action) or metaphysical concept that transcends, and yet, is underneath the physical reality. This spiritual perspective is a way of experiencing the power of life. I sometimes call this power: Source, Inner Guide, Higher Power, Goddess, Love, Spirit, Christ Consciousness, Divine Essence, Creator, Buddha, Life Force, Presence, Universe, Higher Self, Ultimate Being, and sometimes God. It does not care what we call it as it is formless, egoless, and ultimately nameless. As the chapters move you forward, you will note these labels being used interchangeably to describe the powerful, loving, guiding essence that is always present in us, and as us when we are open to experience its peace and to spiritualize our life.
As you read this material, try and disencumber yourself from preconceived ideas about what Source is and experience it instead. Eventually, you will probably be comfortable calling it by one or more of the above names, or one of your own; but, try not to get attached to a name and miss the experience. Names are just symbols that point to something, but they are not that to which they are pointing. A map of Nevada has a symbol for Lake Mead on it, but you cannot stand on the map’s symbol and expect to get wet in Lake Mead. We, unfortunately but necessarily, feel compelled to label everything while in physical form in order to communicate with others, but we must remember that labels can create a new set of problems if we forget that words are just symbols.
Metaphysically, God does not have any form. The Creator does not sit in judgment of the world. God is not an authority figure. God is Love. Spirit transcends the world. The Divine Essence is all there is in a spiritual sense. Goddess is peace. Source is the fabric of the Life Force. God is what powers the wind and causes a seed to grow. Source is what lives through us. God is literally everything we can see, hear, touch, taste, and smell. It is also everything without visible form—everything we cannot see, hear, touch, taste, and smell.
Viewing our world from a spiritual or metaphysical perspective allows the totality of what is present to become apparent and assists us in our quest to experience our Self as part of the inherent interconnectedness of all things. It facilitates recognition of our wholeness and then, as we expand our horizons, it helps us see our Self as an integral piece of the Oneness—and ultimately as the Oneness itself. In this approach to consciousness, we discover that we are the creator of our reality, and are not separate from, nor the victim of, anything or anyone.
This Spiritual perspective can be applied to any subject. The current application, and the focus of this book, directs the process towards the healing of addictions, habits, and other discordant thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. It is for anyone who is not at peace. It uncovers the wholeness and well-being that is present in all of us and, therefore, makes addictive behaviors and other forms of unhappiness undesirable and unnecessary.