Harnessing the Hidden Power of Words
Book Details
About the Book
If you want to change your life, then change the way you talk. We’ve all heard the saying “As a man thinketh, so he is.” Well, “as a man speaketh, so he lives.” The ancients knew this. They knew that words are energy, That sound waves influence both receiver and transmitter. Did you know that using the words “try,” “hope,” and “want” Creates barriers to your success and happiness? Heart-Speak is about connective communication. When you talk using this new language, You will reshape your world And experience greater joy and success.
About the Author
Deirdre Morgan is best known internationally as a numerologist and ordained minister of interpersonal counseling and alternative healing. For more than thirty years, Deirdre has used her intuitive skills to guide people to live their greatest potential. She holds degrees from Vassar College and the Kairos Institute for Metaphysical and Parapsychological Studies. Her practice includes expertise as an intuitive counselor, prenatal bonding coach, and licensed and certified clinical hypnotherapist. Heart-Speak is her first book. To check out Deirdre further, go to DeirdresInsights.com.