When I think of the word ‘Moxie,’ the word ‘spunk’ immediately comes to mind but Moxie means so much more. It means showing up in life each day from a place of moxie. If you have moxie, you won’t let a major setback stop you from trying again because you’re a determined person who doesn’t give up easily, you could have the ability to face difficulty with spirit and courage.
To step into ‘moxie’ means to get out of your own way. Oftentimes, you can bulldoze through real and self-imposed fears about not being smart enough, experienced enough, connected enough, strong enough and so forth. Moxie isn’t just a mindset or an attitude, it’s a skill! As you walk through life on this Earth, you need to step forward and grab it by the balls. Don’t step back and retreat. Move forward because there is so much available at your fingertips and so much to learn. This is a journey you go through as you acquire knowledge, which then moves you forward not only here on Earth, but it also moves you forward in the afterlife. Do not strive for perfection, instead strive for knowledge.
You’re going to stumble, you’re going to fall, but it’s important that you get right back up! Get up! It may take time to wallow in your mistakes but don’t hesitate, move forward with anticipation to learn again. We here in the afterlife want to help the people on earth to understand that when we transition, we go into another realm but it’s not the end of us. We don’t look at this as a finalized situation. As you go through the curtain to the other side of your grieving process, as you step through this curtain and get to the other side, it’s going to be very difficult because you need to rationalize and understand it and you need to open your eyes to certain things about self. It’s a world of discovery, it’s a world of many opportunities that are open to you. You can either choose to be aware of them or to not step forward because of fear.
I cannot stress this fact enough, grief is a process in which it is necessary for you to be honest with yourself and take responsibility for your behavior. If you can at least do that, then it’s really going to be up to you to make the changes to pull yourself out of that grief and deep mourning. You can move onto the next phase of your life, your ‘New Normal’.
If you keep contributing to what you’re mourning, what you’re grieving over, you’ll never move outside of it. My personal recommendation for a happy life is to, ‘Grow some balls/Moxie and move on’. You need to be brave enough to do that. There are healthy ways to be able to cope with a situation but you need to be brave and willing enough to make these changes. This is a more productive method of coping and can assist you with moving forward with ease within your grief. You have that control over something so even though losing your loved one makes you feel completely out of control. You’re also sort of coping with it in this way.
The bigger message here is to be brave enough to know your essence in God so that when you experience the loss of a loved one, you allow yourself to see the attachment which you have as your identity makeup and can release that attachment.
This is where you need to bring out your Moxie, it takes some big balls! Help those who have come along as well.
Help those who are by your side as you walk through life, lend a hand, help pick them up but don’t enable them. Simply give them a little push to send them on their way so that they get a step up, a little help.
You need to think about your fellow human and you need to help each other out. You’re all in this together so you should be walking side by side and not on your own lonely path. You pull away from your fellow man, your fellow human beings and you feel that it’s all right. This is something you need to work towards if you want to create a better world. If you realize and understand your own infinity with God, you know that life surpasses. Life continues even after the physical death, life continues, life never stops. Your life is immortal, but your physical body is not immortal so arriving at this realization and allowing that as an avenue to help you heal is what takes bravery because all humans hold some degree of attachment.
If you continue contributing to what you’re mourning, what you’re grieving over, you’ll never move outside of it. The following exercise is all about self-assertion.
Bring Out Your Moxie – A Self Assertion Exercise:
• Step 1 - Evaluate yourself - Begin by looking at yourself with a very honest eye.
Begin this exercise by asking the following sample difficult questions; do I have a deep attachment to this person/ thing? Why do I have such a deep attachment to this person or thing? I cannot state this enough, it’s going to take balls to accomplish this! You got to be brave enough to have the balls to be yourself and to assert your own disposition no matter what you’re going through.
• Step 2 - This is for when you feel like you’re going to shy away or you don’t want to look at the aspects of you, ‘I don’t have the time to look at that part of me, or it just doesn’t feel right”.
This is when you must grab a set and try again. You should be number one right now. You need to have balls and be brave and assert both parts of you that want to shy away from you.
You need to become ballsy and brave. Ask yourself, ‘Why are you shying away from self’? This is when it takes balls, bravery and a real heart. Be Courageous! What have you got to lose?
“You are capable of amazing things…You have MOXIE”
~ Anthony Vallez