
A Daily Workbook of Holistic Healing

by Dr. M. P. Khan NMD

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Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 3/11/2016

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 680
ISBN : 9781504366205
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 680
ISBN : 9781504366182

About the Book

In a very real sense, each of us is a mandala. Some of us have intricate patterns and colors reflecting the complex experiences of our lives. Some of us are simple arcs of existence with minimalist designs and subtle colors and every possible combination in between. Each of us is as unique as our individual DNA, which strangely, in cross-section on electron microscopy, looks like a mandala! But unlike our DNA, our mandalas are constantly shifting shapes and colors as we make our choices as to the best way to live our lives. All designs of the mandala have a border—the interface we have with one another and the material world. And each mandala has a center, the singularity, where the trinity of mind, body, and spirit integrates and unites with the divine self.

About the Author

MANDALA-365 is a daily workbook of self-transformation; blending poetry, parables and practical suggestions for holistic healing. Its author, Mehernosh Khan MD/NMD, has distilled over three decades of an integrated-medicine practice; as a conventional physician, and also as a practitioner with a doctorate in naturopathic medicine. He lives and writes poetry in the Bliss-shires (actually the Berkshires, MA) with his artist/poet/gardener wife and two rescue cats.