Broken But Solid

by Tony Shahedi

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Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 24/06/2016

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.5x11
Page Count : 114
ISBN : 9781504357708

About the Book

Should we fight every moment that doesn’t match what we pictured or wished for? Conflict and anxiety can play too large a role in our daily life. We may feel dejected after expecting too much from a particular moment. However, moments are transient, they can be altered and reconstructed by perception as we internalize them and store them in our mind.

About the Author

Tony Shahedi, On June 2009 he was diagnosed with stage four cancer MCL or Mantel Cell Lymphoma. As he was schedule for an immediate chemotherapy he decided to turn down his chemo and look out for natural solutions as soon as he knew about this terrible diagnostic: “Fibro Myalgia chronic pain disease.” Very inside of himself he had the answer and an option that will permit him another way to survive. His option to heal was through: “body and mind.” That meant to be through peaceful mind and peaceful thoughts by reprogramming the paradigm that was hunting him with bad karma from the past. This book is written to give people an option among many and to help you to overcome any stage of life healthy or not. Tony’s only intention is to provide you with his personal experiences and information that kept and help him to be alive until this day. It has been seven years since the horrible medical diagnostic. when he was looking for answers he couldn’t find something that could give him peace of mind so, Tony decided to begin his long term medical research. His experience and the results of this huge investigation and research is what he is sharing with all of us now and motivated him to write and to share this book with everyone that is in need of “ Better thoughts, accurate perception, clear mind and especially healthy and happy relationships.