My aim for this book is to convey a model which best describes the nature of your reality. What has struck me on my search is how everything appears paradoxical. At the superficial day-to-day level of our existence we are, for the most part, unaware of how life functions as a paradox. It must. This is to allow the story to be told from different points of view and as I'm sure you well know - everyone has a point of view!
The mistake we commonly make is to attribute labels of right and wrong as if they are facts. What might appear as a fact to you might not be the case for another. A lot of people find this very difficult to accept.
“Think for yourselves and let others enjoy the privilege to do so, too.”
Science has fallen into the trap of trying to create a model for ultimate reality, this I believe is infinite……. therefore unknowable. Science at its core is rooted in mathematics – the art of measurement. Mathematics at its core is rooted in the empty set – which is nothing, therefore unmeasurable. Both nothing and infinity are one and the same with both being unmeasurable therefore fundamental and unknowable at least from humanities standpoint. It is possible to become aware of the fundamental principles at play, but the obsession to know quite often clouds that which we are eternally aware of. A balance between thoughts and feelings is required to walk the middle path.
“Middle path is the balanced path – seeing the ‘complete truth’ instead of illusionary ‘half truth’.”
The complete truth is not fixed: nothing is. The complete truth needs to be flexible and malleable to accommodate change for the purpose of evolution. Do not mistake evolution for Darwinian evolution. Darwinian evolution is just a story arising from the connection of biological systems. If all things come from the one source then connections would be expected. It has always been incomplete as it breaks down at the fundamental level. It is based on the common assumption that a solid material world exists outside of any conscious entity being present. I aim to show this is not the case and put forth a fundamental system which is all inclusive at every scale. The evolution I am referring to is the patterns of growth which lead to greater self-awareness. It's opposite, involution, is built into the system from the points of view…….Us. I believe evolution comes from a perfect inner spiral linked to the golden mean ratio which manifests outwardly as the imperfect Fibonacci sequence to bring about variation. Mathematicians have known about the golden mean spiral way back (I use the term loosely) to the ancient Greeks and I'm sure beyond, but more recently have struggled with why this is. It can all linked to fractal geometrical systems none of which are taught in schools. An understanding of this can lead to empowerment of the individual by helping people think for themselves. We live in a system that is quite the opposite. The question you need to ask yourself is - is it time for change?
Mathematics, symbols and linguistics codify our stories about existence and provide clues to our true nature and the principles of reality. Mathematics enlightens through shapes, sets and patterns. Symbols are representative of an object, function or process, and linguistics provides us with the ability for communication through meaning and inference. Also if you look closely enough at the structure of particular words you can find a hidden meaning. This being the case then ask yourself who would put it there and why?
Like a true detective you can piece together the clues contained within mathematics, symbols and linguistics and observe the patterns and principles that life or consciousness presents before you. When you realise and accept this as true you can really appreciate and embrace the magnificent wonder of life.
My advice: Never let anyone convince you that you are an accident of chance, that by happenstance you become consciously self-aware and are insignificant within the vastness of the entire universe. You most certainly are not! Read on and let's see if I can convince you of your true identity.