Door To Glory

Dialogues with Apostle John

by Douglas Grady

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Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 22/05/2017

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 608
ISBN : 9781504380713
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 608
ISBN : 9781504380720

About the Book

Our destiny after death is the foundation of our religious thought. Religious taboos have spoiled man's pleasures and delights by inconveniencing him to obtain religious comfort. Religion is based on the interaction between the etheric and physical worlds. Psychic science was mysterious to our ancestors, and as a consequence, they misunderstood and misinterpreted it. The Apostle John helps to clear up these issues in this book. John was a medium for his book of Revelation. Angels like John were formerly human beings who have lived on earth and died. Now they continue functioning in another world of finer vibrations. Marilyn is the medium for this book. In the past, Moses, Joshua, King David, prophets, and biblical writers were all mediums. As we are entering a new age, the Apostle John shed the light of the coming changes for our world. This addresses the question of how the world transforms to a more loving environment for the future and how soon it will happen. Also, John revealed the ending of control by the "behind the scenes" Dark Side that has caused an endless succession of bloody conflicts and devastating turmoil throughout human history. The Apostle John also gave the following explosive revelations: - When the soul enters a baby - The church's control of divorce - The life of Jesus after the crucifixion - The assassinations of John F. Kennedy and Robert Kennedy - Civilization on Mars - Reincarnation and its removal from the Bible - Earthbound souls Find out these and other fascinating truths from the Apostle John regarding the perplexing questions that have pervaded mankind through the ages.

About the Author

I graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering in 1980 and have accepted engineering jobs that took me around the country from Newport News, Virginia, in 1980 to Fort Worth, Texas, and to Seattle, Washington, before moving back to the East Coast to Stratford, Connecticut, in 2014. I obtained my Professional Engineer (PE) license to practice in Texas in 1984. My spiritual journey began in Texas when I found The Law of Success. I practiced meditation and received a loving divine energy spark within my soul from God in 1999. I met Marilyn at her chakras cleansing class with John in Seattle in 2011. My family members were devout Catholics; however, my daughters and I were occasional churchgoers, attending a Methodist church in Fort Worth. Being an engineer, I had to see some form of validation in everything to buy into the Bible that had been modified, translated, and possibly manipulated by the powers in control. I found it a challenging proposition to verify the truth of religion because various philosophical beliefs have divided people and over 50,000 Christian denominations for more than two thousand years. However, it motivated me to find the one real truth because there is only one.