Getting Naked

On Being Emotionally Transparent at the Right time, the Right Place, and with the Right Person

by Patrick Williams

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Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 22/07/2016

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 164
ISBN : 9781504359351
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 164
ISBN : 9781504359368

About the Book

If today you are no longer willing to settle for mediocrity in your work, relationships, and your life, this book is for you. Within these pages is the powerful secret to unlocking your fullest potential as a career person, a parent, a friend, a mate, a lover, a human being. How? Through getting naked. Getting Naked is about living life as the fullest, most authentic version of you. It’s about cutting the crap--releasing the baggage that has held you hostage for so long and embracing all of you; the good parts, the bad parts, the public parts, and the shadow parts, so you can integrate them and become an even stronger force of positivity in the universe, through the secrets of honest self-disclosure. (The key is it discover where and with whom to be emotionally naked--being vulnerable does not mean being stupid and careless.) For example: Practice being emotionally naked at the right place and the right time with the right people to release your negative patterns and create a provocative catalyst for reflection. Uncover “new” or hidden parts of yourself that can guide you to create a more fulfilling life. Apply the tools of naked self-disclosure to all areas of your life so you can enjoy greater meaning and satisfaction. This is a book of stories, strategies, and tips, designed to overcome the negative self-narratives that obscure personal resilience and wellbeing. There comes a time when you have to defy the voices that hold you back. Getting Naked teaches you that it is your indisputable birthright to question any limitation--anything that gets in the way of your own magnificence. This book will provide you the inspiration, tools, self-discovery and support to share your naked truth and in so doing to fulfill your uniqueness every day.

About the Author

Dr. Patrick Williams, Ed. D., Master Certified Coach, Board Certified Coach One of the early pioneers of coaching, Pat is often called the ambassador of life coaching. Pat has been a licensed psychologist since 1980 and began executive coaching in 1990 with Hewlett Packard, IBM, Kodak and other companies along the front range of Colorado. Most recently Pat has focused his coaching on private corporations and Federal government entities going through transitions and adaptive leadership challenges in the nonprofit community. He is a member of PHI BETA KAPPA and CUM LAUDE graduate of Kansas University in 1972. He completed his masters in Humanistic Psychology in 1975 (University of West Georgia) and doctorate in Transpersonal Psychology in 1977, (University of Northern Colorado) His dissertation was Transpersonal Psychology and the Evolution of Consciousness. Pat joined Coach U in 1996, closed his 16-year therapy practice six months later and became a full time coach. Pat was a senior trainer with Coach U from 1997-1998. He then started his own coach training school, the Institute for Life Coach Training (ILCT) which specializes in training those with a human services orientation. ILCT has trained thousands of human service professionals on six continents. Pat is department chair of the Coaching Psychology program at the International University of Professional Studies, and has taught graduate coaching classes at Colorado State University and Denver University, Fielding University, Loyola University, City University of London and many others. He was also a curriculum consultant for the Coaching Certificate program at Fielding International University. Pat is a past board member of the International Coach Federation (ICF), and co-chaired the ICF regulatory committee. He is past president of ACTO, the Association of Coach Training Organizations and an honorary VP of the International Society of Coaching Psychology. Pat was also honored in 2008 as the educator of the year for the New England Educational Institute. In May of 2006 Pat was awarded the first Global Visionary Fellowship by the Foundation of Coaching for his Coaching the Global Village, initiative to bring coaching methodologies to villages in developing countries and to leaders of nonprofits and nongovernmental organizations who serve them. He is passionate about coaching and dedicated to ensuring it remains a respected profession. Current projects have included teaching coaching to dozens of federal prisoners, speaking at their graduation ceremonies and currently working on a documentary film about the power of the coach approach for those in prison and for re-entry success back into society. And he is a certified trainer for Points of You ™ an international training company with tools for inspiration and creative communication. Pat has authored multiple articles and has co-authored the following books: • Therapist as Life Coach: Transforming Your Practice (2nd Edition 2007) • Total Life Coaching: 50+ Life Lessons, Skills, and Techniques to Enhance your Practice and Your Life (2005) • The Law and Ethics in Coaching: How to Solve and Avoid Difficult Problems in Your Practice (2006) • Becoming a Professional Life Coach: Lessons from the Institute for Life Coach Training (2nd ed. 2015) Most recently he is a contributor to The Philosophy and Practice of Coaching (Chapter 1, 2008) Pat continues to coach, train, speak, and lead in the ever evolving field of professional, life, and wellness coaching. This new book, for a more general public is his first teaching memoir. Getting Naked: Emotional Transparency at the Right Time, the Right Place, and with the Right Person.