Imagine Compassion:

The Seven Compassions

by Kelly Wight, Kara Pandolph Munn & Jennifer Tissot

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Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 3/08/2016

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 132
ISBN : 9781504362863
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 132
ISBN : 9781504362849

About the Book

Imagine you can change the world one act of compassion at a time. Believe you can make a difference with kindness. Know this is why you were created. Compassion is the action we take in response to understanding our connectedness to all beings everywhere. The Seven Compassions articulate a path for living in tune with your truth and moving towards unity and peace. These seven practices build your capacity to experience happiness and well-being. Join us on this journey and be the light!

About the Author

Kara Pandolph Munn With the loving help of her husband, Kara is raising four children and various pets in the beautiful Adirondack Mountains. She has been teaching and learning with elementary students for 20 years. She is also a Reiki Master and enjoys sharing this gift with her with her family, friends and animals. She loves books, music, art, coffee and the sun. Jennifer Tissot, LCSW Jen is a clinically trained social worker. She has been working in therapeutic and educational settings with children and families for over 30 years. For the last 20 years, she has been working in elementary schools presenting whole class lessons on social and emotional skills. She is the author of several children's books. She is also a trained mindfulness teacher and practitioner. She has been on a spiritual path of self-discovery for most of her adult life, and many elements of her eclectic practice are woven into her work with others. She loves to dance with her family, ride bikes, paddle, play outside and travel. Kelly Wight Kelly is a special education specialist and school leader. She has been working in public education as a teacher, coordinator, administrator and school improvement specialist for over 30 years. As long as Kelly can remember, she has loved camping. been drawn to anything purple and found sunflowers irresistible. She cherishes traveling and adventures with her wife, especially ones that involve surf, sun and sand. Her tribe includes her beloved wife, children, grandchildren, fairy godchildren, siblings, in-laws, parents and dear friends. She is a creative and intuitive soul whose motto is Believe.