We are all spirits having a human experience. We come from a place of love and perfection. Unfortunately, our human bodies are far from perfect. We as humans are perfectly flawed, there is no achieving perfection in this form. We can though exist with these imperfect bodies and be well and balanced. There is hope! We just have to relook at how we perceive ourselves and others. There a few necessary guidelines to follow in order to achieve a happy, purposeful life, and actually it’s quite simple. Anyone can master their existence, it just takes practice and determination.
In this book I am going to give you five easy steps to follow to achieve a happy and healthy existence. Incorporating these principles in your daily life will change your life! We all have challenges to overcome and fears to face in our life, it is all part of our journey. This book will help you understand difficult circumstances better and how to get through them with ease.
We are all here to learn our lessons in life in order to grow spiritually. No one’s journey is to be judge for it is precisely what you need for your growth in spirit. We all chose our challenges before we came to earth and we all can overcome them too. Using the tools, I provide in this book will help you ride your storms out and succeed in any bumps in the road you may hit along the way on the path of your existence. Get ready to change your life for the better!
I started my journey into spirituality when I was in my twenties. I found that an open mind is an open door, and once I opened my mind, information started flooding through. At first I was in awe of it all, but almost full of myself at the time thinking I knew so much. As my journey continued I realized that I didn’t know anything at all and had so much to learn! So I started reading books and fell in love with so many spiritual teachers/authors that were out there. The more I read, the more I wanted to know! I have an almost insatiable appetite when it comes to this subject. I do have a friend that has been on this journey with me since day one. I am grateful for her and wouldn’t be where I am without her. It’s been helpful to have that likeminded person to bounce ideas and dreams off of. Together we have received a lot of guidance from spirit, especially in dream state, including writing a book! We learned early on to heed what we were told and we have benefitted from it every time. She is more than my friend; she is soul sister.
I also got into Reiki in my thirties and took many courses on healing and chakra balancing. In my forties I worked for a hypnosis center and was introduced to the world of hypnosis and NLP. It amazed me how many things could be transformed
out of a hypnosis session. With everything I learned over the years, I realized that we complicate things, that existing in this form is very simple. So I wanted to share what I have learned over the years with others, so they too can have a great existence!
The one thing I did find over the years is that these spiritual teachers/authors were all saying the same thing. I broke down what I have leaned into fives simple steps to incorporate into your life. They are easy steps to follow, although at times we can be challenged by them. But following these steps will change your life for the better.