Invisible Grace

“We perceive within each of you, a light, a mystery and a divinity of such beauty…It renders us speechless.”

by Jennifer Starlight

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Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 18/12/2015

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 172
ISBN : 9781504300278

About the Book

Invisible Grace

“We perceive within each of you a light, a mystery and a divinity of such beauty… It renders us speechless”

Did you as a human being ever consider that you are part of the grandest vision Spirit has ever conceived of itself?

Jennifer Starlight has channeled the ancient consciousness and teachings of Spirit guide Amun Min since he first appeared to her in 2005. In this her third book, Invisible Grace, Jennifer offers challenging new concepts from the other side that will shake many outworn belief systems and stir within us what it truly means to be human.

“A revolution is now taking place within your human race and it is not one of technology or outward advancement. It is, in fact, the evolution of each and everyone of you, through your desire for true transformation and the aching call to return consciously back into the majesty and mystery of your own souls, where true spiritual nourishment can be found.”

From the intensity of human struggle to the heights of spiritual awakening, Invisible Grace presents us with a sacred bridge of self-discovery and spiritual liberation.

About the Author

Internationally recognized trance medium, teacher and author Jennifer Starlight has been representing the power of Spirit on earth for more than 25 years. She resides on the Gold Coast of Australia with her partner Peter and continues as a spiritual pioneer in service to the invisible realms.