Book Details
About the Book
I felt prompted to share the poems and photos in this book after a wonderful, sweet visit from my daughter across the veil. This happened on December 20, 2014. Phia, my daughter, and I have been communicating since the day of her funeral in 2007.
The photos are energized with the Sun’s love for all of us. These colorful, orb-filled pictures began happening around the March 2014 equinox. I’ve been studying with the Itza Mayan Elder, Hunbatz Men, and have a living, loving relationship with the beingness of our Sun as a “mystic educator.” The groundwork for this was well established during a cross-country, sacred pilgrimage in 2011, with Hunbatz Men. The connection here is that Phia was with us in spirit during this celebration of anchoring in the new Sun’s new energies.
About the Author
Jacki Millay, MEd, author, artist, and IIQTC instructor, operates “Harmonic Pulse Wellness” and teaches ChiKung(Qigong)/TaiChi classes, private sessions, and workshops. She is trained in crystal healing/crystal surgery. She is a Usui and Egyptian Reiki master/teacher, a Quantum Touch Practitioner, and an ordained minister who works with a variety of other energetic modalities. She is on the board of directors of the Cosmic Mysteries School, working with Mayan Elder, Hunbatz Men, Chief Golden Light Eagle, and others.