"This is a book about you.
The Big You.
A big book about the Big You!
Obviously in length it is a small book, an easy book, a pocket book, but I was not referring to its physical attributes. I was referring to its content, and the impact it may have on your life. As the ancient Chinese scribe Lao Tzu so eloquently puts it in his Tao Te Ching, “A master achieves great things by being small.” I realize this is a grand statement but withhold your judgment just for the length of this small book, and I think you’ll come to find there is nothing bigger,
. . . Nothing bigger than YOU!
Chapter One: Who Is the Big You?
You are about to receive a gift.
It is the greatest gift you can ever receive . . . and You are giving it to yourself!
This gift is a message, one that you have been yearning for your whole life . . .
One that holds more value for you than any worldly treasure . . .
You hid it from yourself a long time ago and now it is the time to reclaim it . . .
. . . to reclaim. . .
. . . Yourself.
You are giving Yourself back to yourself!
So, who is this You?
Who would have given you such a gift to unwrap?
The Who I am referring to is the grander You, the totality of You, the All of You!
The You that is both timeless and eternal.
The You that is a collective of everyone: seemingly divided yet ultimately united.
The You that is so filled with love that it created this separation so that you may grow to know and love every aspect of yourself.
Put simply . . .
. . . the BIG YOU
If you will, pause a second, take a deep breath , close your eyes and notice your heart beating within your chest, allow your mind to clear and you will notice a presence inside, this is who I am talking about.
This presence sits within us all and when we are connected to it, we are totally at peace. In communion with the Big You we are released from the confines of time and join with the totality, where we are all one. All physical forms and mental thoughts are absent, and in this quiet consciousness, we pulsate with unlimited energy and eternal awareness.
Quantum Physics has discovered that this energy is present everywhere as waveforms of infinite potential, only collapsing into a particle of reality when we focus on one aspect of it. Thus we are defining ourselves by our own observation. We acknowledge the existence of who we are by observing ourselves separate from the whole, and yet since our perspective is constantly changing, so are we!
Every moment we are reborn to the infinity of our being, and like the mythical Phoenix, we arise from the ashes of our past, redefined by every thought, feeling and whisper from within. Like a tornado, we are constantly in flux, a vortex of spiraling creation, and yet the Big You is somehow unmoved.
It is the quiet eye of the storm, calmly watching the whirling winds of our shifting personality, always in awe and joyfully entertained.
We are souls looking into the world as a human beings, or energy looking at ever-changing matter, or potential looking at form. Yet, just like the hub of the wheel is the master of all the spokes, at the center of us all is the very same being watching out from each of our eyes. A veritable You-nification, an indivisible, perfect completeness that encompasses all and yet dances in infinite variety through each of our footsteps!
One might use words such as energy, spirit, or soul. Consciousness, presence, or awareness. Freedom, Love . . . or GOD!
They all share the same meaning. They are all pointing to the same being: You!
. . . the Grander You!
. . . the Big You!
You are that oneness. You are that peace. You are what you came from, and just like the tree whose high bows sway gracefully in the breeze while its roots are always firmly held in the soil, you can dig into the rich earth of your being and find the origin of Yourself quietly smiling back at you!
Chapter Two: What is Love?
Love is the force that pulls each of us to reunite with all our other selves, which we perceive as separate from us. It is an interweaving matrix of energy connecting all aspects of the You-nification, the glue that holds together the totality of existence.
The Big You is the You-nification, blissfully giving itself to this process without judgment or refrain. All attraction is designed so that by the coming together of two aspects of our self, through the magnetic force of love, we get to experience “more” of who we really are. This is our ultimate wish, our sole desire, to know our infinite self utterly and the fulfillment of this is the action of love.
Every interaction is interpreted through the perspective of the individuals involved. These interpretations we call emotions and we define them based on how they impact us. Whether they serve or hinder us, defines whether we embrace or resist the connection, yet I am suggesting that our relationships are always serving us..
The underlying web of existence is Love, yet to see this for ourselves we have to shift our own perspective to a grander viewpoint. Rising above each external judgment through the gift of forgiveness, our resistance drops, and it slowly becomes apparent that the basis for all relationship is love.
So, despite the fact that the small you’s perspective can be interpreted in many ways, there never was a moment when You, the Big You, the complete You, the all seeing You, was or could have been anything other than loving toward yourself—giving toward yourself, compassionate and gracious toward yourself; and ultimately, unquestionably devoted to yourself."