Your Spiritual Dictionary
To Make Your Life Journey Easier
Book Details
About the Book
Being human is full-time job that does not always pay well.
While spiritual evolution occurs collectively, personal growth takes place individually.
We are all here on our personal journeys together. As we grow individually, we contribute to collective advancement, and as we evolve collectively, we improve our personal lives.
When you feel stuck, it is natural to think, If only I were somewhere else—things would be different. If only something in my environment (my partner, my kids, my parents, my job, my home) were different, I’d be okay.
The good news is that you are able to craft the life you desire from where you currently are.
For each of us, different ways will work best at different stages of life. When something isn’t working for you—whether it is your job, marriage, conflict with friends or children, or your pet just stops listening—a natural reaction is to withdraw or to leave. Sometimes it is the only solution left, and this is exactly what needs to be done. However, this is not always the case, especially if the situation involves children or other loved ones.
There are times when we are simply not happy with where we are in life. And there are times when we see what we want and don’t know how to get it.
Your Spiritual Dictionary offers practical tools for resolving issues, dealing with everyday routine situations, transforming daily obstacles in to opportunities for growth, and making the most out of present life.
About the Author
Spiritual health is vital for overall well-being of individuals and collective alike. Erishka is passionate about assisting people with restoring and maintaining their spirit’s health and fitness by embracing one challenge at a time and being in control of life’s situation rather than letting circumstances control their life. Erishka’s personal journey of growth started with meeting her spiritual teacher Megan McMahon. Megan’s input in to evolution of this book from conception through maturing process to being published is unconditionally unlimited. Family’s commitment to delivering challenges for continuing development on daily bases blended well with Megan’s guidance to look within in order to eliminate every obstacle encountered alone the way. Appreciation that all obstacles are selfimposed for the purpose of growth was achieved by learning how to resolve day to day matters. Alone with family’s encouragement and Megan’s inspiration to move forward one day at a time this path has also been influenced by many books about mind and world of spirit, ‘Eckhart Teachings’, ‘Autobiography of a Yogi’ and ‘Jan Spiller Astrology’.