What its Spirituality?
This thought-provoking question riddles many people because the possible answers are infinite. In fact, as unique beings, we each have our own response to this loaded question. One person may say: to be spiritual is to walk a life of compassion, kindness and stillness. Another may say: a spiritual life means to be connected to one’s soul and to seek awakenings. Others yet may answer by saying: “I just want to make it through my day without blowing a gasket!”
Fortunately, everyone is correct because we all have our own distinctive life experiences. After much reflection, my ever-evolving response to this question is:
If we are here to witness and reach complete connectedness to each other by giving back creatively with ultimate generosity to mankind, the animals, the environment and the planet, then I believe to walk a Path of Spirituality is to recondition the way we think and feel so we open ourselves gracefully to be in position to:
hear God whisper to us our unique purpose.
Other questions may then surface: do you believe in your soul? Yes? Then what is your genesis? Does your soul come from God, Source, Spirit or the Universe? If so, you are a slice of your Creator. If your soul stems from a pure entity, do you believe your soul is also pure? If it is, can you see the sheer potential you have in allowing yourself to exist with only love in your heart and to thereby live only from your soul’s perspective?
Seems to make sense to me. So I say to myself: if I live from my soul’s point of view, I must be emanating love at all times. This means I must be perpetually joyful. But if my soul is pure, from where does all of the gunk originate? How can all of life’s challenges and impregnating experiences permit me to live purely? And why do I judge everything? To live from my soul’s perspective, I would have to find a way to release both the grip of the past and the anxiety of the future. It will require a shift in how I think and how I feel. A real relinquishment. It will be an arduous task! And finally:
Where do I begin?
These are some of the questions I asked myself when spirituality situated itself into my psyche. And even though these questions were humungous, I felt energized anticipation and goodness because I sensed a strong awakening to something I already knew. I wasn’t immediately concerned with the answers. I knew they would come. I felt the innate understanding that my new spiritual journey would be for a lifetime so there was no need to rush to the finish line. My only focus was to learn and apply each day, but I had no idea where to begin. And once committed, I had to be sure I would keep to my Path.
When I discovered my purpose in life, I searched for a book which would fundamentally focus on Keeping me to my Spiritual Path. I came across many profound, well written books, most of which had brilliant ideas and excellent spiritual content, but nowhere did I locate a functional approach one could follow specifically to keep people on track moment to moment, day by day.
On the day my purpose was presented to me, I felt compelled to give back to all souls by spreading this word. I decided to put pen to paper. The amount of spiritual content available is enormous, resulting in no shortage of invaluable information. My research took my thoughts and beliefs in many directions, but in the end, all roads lead to the same destination. It was through my studies that my new belief system began to unfold. I had no guide or plan laid out for me to follow, but as I began applying these many lessons, my intentional life grew organically. In an effort to help you find your way and Keep you moving forward, Fresh Beliefs is a new approach built to aid in your own successful journey along your unique Path.
Did you know you can tap life’s reset button anytime, instantly changing the way you feel about your existence? Look at your life as it is today. It’s your perspective on your situation which determines how you feel. On some level you know this. With this knowledge, let’s shed society’s perpetuated and oppressive rules for good! Let’s put you in position to reclaim your deep seated life energy, thereby allowing YOU to finally drive your own life exactly how you’d like. The time of allowing one day to blend seamlessly into the next without living your dreams is over! It’s time to liberate!
This book gives you a starting point or in some cases, a spiritual compass if you will, to orientate you back to true North while walking your conscious journey. It’s laid out in such a way as to breed success in Keeping you to your Path. I believe if you know WHY you are on the journey, you will want to Keep to it. Once you are on the Path for some time, the mega questions will naturally beg:
Why am I here?
Why am I alive?
I believe there is too much emphasis placed on these questions. The answer is simple: you are here to realize your purpose; your individual dharma so your life force, your spirit can come forth connecting collectively with all living things. Whether we all unify as a species remains to be seen, but the potential of that happening certainly exists.
Instead, the question should be: when will my life’s purpose present itself to me? Or it could go deeper:
How can I keep focused on the reconditioning process I must undergo in order to clear my mind, allowing me to recognize my purpose when it presents itself?
What does this mean? It’s a simple process of shedding your layers so you can live from your soul’s perspective.
Honor your life energy by allowing the joy in your soul to be present with each breath you take. If you believe life is hard, then it is hard. It is your decision to think this way. When you look deep within, beyond your internal storms, what you will find is a source of undeniable love and purity. Drawing from this infinite well, you will become aware of the creative collaboration you enjoy with God as you intentionally design your life.
Honor this relationship by matching your infinite energy with God’s infinite abundance. You have the power to create any life you wish. Remain in the present moment, blissfully aware that yesterday is gone and tomorrow is not yet here. You can’t breathe in the past or in the future; only in the present moment.
It’s time to set your intentions. Through a simple, yet powerful declaration, you can determine the flow of your life. “From this point forward, I declare ownership of my thoughts. I declare my heightened awareness to be my top priority and will leverage it to remain laser focused on positive thought patterns at all times.”
A declaration puts a stamp on your life and makes an immediate impact. It is your own willful revolution from ego and emphatically claims your independence from it. Return to yourself now what has been held captive from you for many years. Free yourself and feel the fresh air of liberation as you plant your Fresh Beliefs flag deep into the soil. Your declaration represents your freedom. Anchor yourself to what is rightfully yours: peace and love. Declare it NOW!