Chapter 1
Gravity of the self
Note that I will use metaphors and analogies in order to assist the mind with this supernatural conversation, which will help in “picturing” the spiritual perception that could appear like an abstract concept at this present time.
So what is the Being of Humanity?
First of all from a spiritual perspective, humanity is the physical body of our higher self, the one that is connected to other greater bodies in this universe, which simultaneously communicate with our multidimensional universe. Billions of humans are now on earth, revealing the body of humanity, which is not only spiritual, but also material. We are now seven billions on earth (a figure that keeps increasing a little bit more as I speak), an expansion that is proof that we are becoming a greater organism. As everything is interconnected in the universe, we are therefore wired to each other and to everything, even though this connection is at the moment partially experienced on an unconscious level. We haven’t yet come to realize that we are part of a bigger structure, just because we are still behaving from the belief of separateness. Every human is bound to come to awareness that he is an individual expression of the whole, living this collective experience from a larger organic structure. Once we become insightful, this realization will transcend the current reality of our small self into the reality of our higher self, which will correlate our personal and collective experiences into one new paradigm. This will be the awakening of the being of humanity, which lies within us.
This being is the timeless and unconditional loving part of ourselves, a spark of the soul, fully conscious of itself. It can only thrive in the physical realm through the reality of our higher self. Only when we have totally embodied our higher self, we will engage in this magnificent cosmic interaction, able to co-exist with other spiritual presences for the benefit of our soul’s purpose: transcending the self with love energy, in order to integrate the realm of the soul, where pertains our inner being.
Many “supernatural” beings came upon the earth plane. They incarnated as men or women, and those incarnations from ascended masters still continue now more than ever. One in particular had succeeded to touch the collective heart and mind of our humanity, and still does. His earthly name was Jesus. This being was incarnated as a human being in order to connect us with Christ’s consciousness. He came from the soul’s realm to demonstrate to us what we are really made of. He broke the nut shell and gave us the seed. He has defined our purpose with this universe. The message was clear: we are here to love ourselves, to forgive our past actions which cannot be changed. We have to learn to let go of our experienced vibrations, so we do not feel influenced by the organic memory, generated by the brain. This memory is a temporary perception of the small self, which restricts the contact with the spiritual reality already contained in this physical body, and which is mostly undermined by the ego mind, due to its lack of consciousness and its fearful state. We are the ones who create this reality, and this reality is revealing who we are through consciousness. To become more conscious means to become more mindful, to become mindful is to tune in to the present moment. The present time is this realm of timelessness, it is where love frequency vibrates fully, and it is where our higher self pertains.
Christ has shown us through his death experience on Earth, that we must transcend our small self: He died on the cross – My interpretation is that the cross represents the four dimensions of this physical plane embodied by the small self. In quantum physics terms, the fourth dimension involves length, width, depth and time. The fifth dimension is related to the “future” beyond the concept of time as we know it in the first three dimensions. The fifth dimension is the reality of the heart. In quantum physics, the fifth and the sixth dimensions link us to infinite possibilities of one future, but this future outcome can only happen through choice. The center of the cross is where the heart of Christ lies. This shows the heart chakra, or as Buddha called it: the middle way, it is the physical plane of love, and the only one that can handle this reality, is the higher self.
The analogy of the cross is showing that, by remaining unconscious through the influence of fear, we became stuck in the realms of the third and fourth dimension. This implies that we must bring consciousness into our minds, in order to realize that we have to love ourselves per se in order to love our minds. Only once we’ve learned to care for our mind - meaning that we have “to pay attention” to our thinking pattern, to choose our thoughts carefully, as we do the same for our physical body - we wouldn’t eat or drink anything that is life threatening for the organism. Once we start to become insightful on an everyday basis, we will be able to understand ourselves and others with minimal resistance from the ego mind. We won’t have to get carried away by the loop of our past actions, which make us live in suffering and permanent frustration, and limit our potential to live a greater and kinder reality.