THE HUMAN’S HANDBOOK An Owner’s Manual for People By Marian R. Glass
Well, why not? We have owner’s manuals for cars, stereos, VCRs and even my little kitchen toaster. BUT for the most important thing we own (ourselves), we do not have a manual. Without an owner’s manual for US we really cannot expect to know how to “operate” this thing we call our body and especially our mind. So we start right off making all kinds of errors in the care and maintenance of US by eating unhealthful foods and drinking harmful liquids; and not being aware of breathing in “bad air” (like tobacco smoke and car exhaust) and not exercising properly or often enough (or improperly and too much) and perhaps most importantly of all playing host to erroneous thoughts... just for starts. O.K... I realize that as a baby you had to ingest whatever was supplied and had no choice and probably no complaints that would make any difference. However, as soon as possible when you are so enabled to make choices, you need to know what to reject and what to insist on having. Hopefully this book will help future generations to make better choices. Some of the information is for the parents, obviously, but then very early in life a child should be made aware of the dangers of not taking good care of the body and mind. Learn for yourself and your children and then allow children access to this guidance directly...when reading comprehension is achieved. We have only to examine ourselves and observe others to realize the devastating effect of abusing our body and mind. We cannot expect our body and our mind to serve us well if we do not care for them well. We pay the price for our errors in all sorts of illnesses and incapacities. Surely we do not want this to continue. We do not want to do any more damage to ourselves and certainly want to prevent any damage to the children. Most of the information herein is so practical, so logical, and so sensible, that one wonders why its practical application is so widely ignored. It must be time to let the light in or I wouldn’t be sitting here typing this manuscript...on the whole I would rather be out dancing. At 70 years young, I still dance like a 20 year old (so I’m told) and pass for about 50. I tell you folks we can repair and good living is the answer. I am going to share with you in all the pages to follow the wondrous and seemingly miraculous happenings that can be part of your life too. Living healthfully is actually fun!
FIRST THING FIRST Before we can operate our body properly, we must know how to operate our mind. Everything begins in mind (thought) and please keep that in mind before you make manifest physically any damaging thoughts. In other words “Thoughts kept in mind, reproduce in kind”. Negative thinking produces negative results, and so it must follow that the good, the positive, the beautiful thoughts produce their beneficial results. Try it; you will like it. Most of the harmful thoughts we harbor have been passed down to us through the generations...old wives’ tales, myths, archaic beliefs, and the like. These must be destroyed before they destroy us. In other words, we must wipe the slate clean to receive new information, or in more modern terms, erase the memory in our mental computer to receive improved data. And again, this is an invigorating process that brings about a wondrous feeling of release and relief. Not to carry around the limiting and harmful burden of false information is like being set free to lead a healthier more fulfilling life...and that is exactly what happens. Later in this book there is a complete chapter on “Myths and Misinformation” from “Aging” to our complete belief system, but for now it seems important to point out some high (or low) points that need attention immediately. Do you know that the human race has accepted a far more rapid aging process than was intended? As young as 40, there are men and women who must resort to plastic surgery to have the appearance of youth (At 40, I looked 25). What is their problem? Well, I’ll tell you. They looked at pictures of their parents, or even their grandparents, as they were aging (in their misinformed minds) and mentally copied the picture, until at last it reproduced itself in them. THOUGHT IS MORE POWERFUL THAN YOU KNOW! How about looking at pictures of yourself at a younger age and keeping that in mind. Use that as your guide to the appearance you desire. The ancient Greeks kept beautiful statues and paintings around them so that vision was in their mind to be emulated. Smart! Although everything does begin in thought, we must follow through with appropriate behavior. We cannot stuff ourselves with junk food (or even with too much good food). We cannot imbibe potent potables (get drunk). We cannot use tobacco in any form; we cannot drug our minds. We cannot sop up caffeine; to name a few of the poisons and bad habits...and expect to look good, feel well and have good vitality and...think clearly! All of that is learned behavior and would not come naturally to you if not passed down to you. Think about that! Please! None of these destructive habits were inborn. You developed them through misguidance and pressures of an ignorant society. Let it stop here...and now! We cannot afford to cause any more damage to the human race. We speak of built-in obsolescence regarding the machines we own, and as true as it appears to be in manufactured goods, this description could be applied to us humans. None of us is going to last forever, but it is the quality of life while it is within us that brings fulfillment and happiness. A mind muddled by drugs and alcohol cannot produce the highest quality of life. A body carrying excess weight, or having eating disorders, will not serve us very well for long. Misuse or non-use of the body will cause deterioration. If not exercised properly you could be very old before your time. So think youth and vitality and follow through with living it. It is part of the wisdom of life. Unlike the machines that come from the factory already manufactured, or just ready to be assembled, we humans are manufacturing ourselves. We are not only building a body but a mind (and a soul, which we will examine later in the book). The body is like soft clay that we are able to mold if we know that we have this ability. What masterpiece are you creating? Where are your thoughts taking you? Your thoughts precede action. You can see why it is so necessary to put the mind in good working order so that it produces the you that you truly want to be. “Visualize and actualize” is a really workable process. If you cannot visualize clearly, take pictures from magazines showing what it is that you would like to actualize (make happen) and put them in places where you can be reminded of your goals. These things I write about are things that I use and do. Works for me! Actually, it works for thousands if not millions of people. When I was about three years old, I caught the measles, which left me with a crossed eye. I didn’t realize I looked different from other children until I entered kindergarten at age five and then got the rude awakening. All the other children had normal eyes! So I decided at that tender age that I would straighten my eye by exercising it. The eye doctor told my mother that by age nine I would be old enough for him to operate on my eye. My, was he surprised to see it had straightened out all by itself! I did not tell anyone (I don’t think I would have known how to anyway), but I knew God and I had worked together to take care of my eye. Get the picture! I did. I visualized my eye corrected, so it was!
This was only one of many wonderful happenings!