Tremors in the Universe

A Personal Journey of Discovery with Parkinson’s Disease and Spirituality

by Robert Lyman Baittie

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Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 18/09/2014

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 262
ISBN : 9781452520162
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 262
ISBN : 9781452520148

About the Book

It’s funny how life has a way of changing people.

It definitely changed me.

I was tooling along day after day, set in my ways, looking at life like a racehorse wearing blinders, oblivious to seeing the world any other way than I knew how, because I ultimately had fashioned my vision of it. I fit myself with the glasses I wore, and I wrote the prescription for the lenses with my attitude, faith, and beliefs.

But I got lucky. Parkinson’s came along, slapped me upside the head, and knocked my spectacles off of my face. And luckier still, while my glasses were on the ground I inadvertently stepped on them and crushed them into a million pieces.

I was blind.

I was forced to extend my hands out in front of me to rediscover my world all over again. Taking baby steps with fear in my heart that I would bang my head into a wall. But you know what happened? A miraculous thing took place. My memory of where the important things in my life were took over, and what I valued and needed the most magically appeared for me.

Love, friendship, compassion, spirit and purpose. My appreciation for what was at my fingertips was heightened as well. I suddenly discovered a comforting realization that I could continue to succeed in life with less. Less envy, less anger, less anxiety, less fear of old age and death. It was liberating.

I was given Parkinson’s disease, and my life became better for it.
This book is not what most people have come to expect about Parkinson’s disease.

Tremors in the Universe offers another way. Another way of thinking. Another way of living.

About the Author

Growing up in the Midwest, Robert Lyman Baittie embraced a unique perspective on his world with vision skewed by curiosity and imagination. Enthralled by the prospect of seeing the world as others may not, Robert took to the skies as a pilot, studying aviation at the University of Illinois before receiving his bachelors of fine arts degree in graphic design. A married father of three, Robert has since shared his creative vision and talent for writing for twenty-five years as the owner of Chicago-based Bob Baittie Design, Inc.