Cape of the Crone

Book of Willow

by Faye Nelson

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Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 18/02/2016

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 248
ISBN : 9781504348300
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 248
ISBN : 9781504348324

About the Book

The Tree Series is a collection of stories written by Faye Nelson. The author was inspired to write the series in an effort to mend her own suffering from what seemed to be the slow death of the divine feminine within. Through her books, she threads together the pieces of a fragmented and neglected force that is dying to be freed. Cape of the Crone: Book of Willow is the first book of The Tree Series which builds on timeless characters and supports the resolution of conflict caused by modern tradition. Throughout the series, the main character, Eli, chaperones the adventure of unveiling the hidden Goddess. She is guided to reclaim her destiny as a divine maiden on Earth while fighting the influences that press her to deny the underworld. This novel offers the reader the opportunity to experience life and death within a format that confronts good and evil. Awakening the greater self, regardless of existing conditions, is generated through the struggle of Eli’s initiations. Its message reveals rites that openly address the formal conclusion of religious attempts, and calls forth the political possibility of magick expressed by our spiritual nature. In this revealing and soulful novel, raw awareness and blind faith shake illusion as a feminine voice of the underworld redefines the archetype of darkness. The feminine face of God is alive and well as She gains momentum in speeding the blessing of humanity!

About the Author

Faye resides on the central plains of the Rocky Mountains where she fondly reflects upon the love and connection she has established with the subtle rhythms of nature’s cycles. Spring, summer and fall are uniquely glamorous as the generous Earth Mother affords an opportunity to prepare the kitchen. However, the winter challenges her, as each one passing asks her to go deeper. During this season, death prepares for birth, requiring stillness to move forward. It is the void, the dark canvas, and it is where the soul rests and dreams of what will be. Aspiring to bring discernment to the sacred ground we walk on, her life’s work, regardless of the industry, is driven from a force beneath her, expressing itself to the light surrounding her. Maintaining that spiritual bridge engineers do not need certifications, degrees or to be ordained, she is committed to creating awareness within the social circles of this day. Her vision for humanity is one of unity, and, this too, is her faith.