Kismet is a state of being and living. For too long humans have forgotten how to exist with this wisdom and harmony that our benevolent souls were design to exist within.
There are NO accident, coincidence and flukes in life only INCIDENTS. Instead of being connected with this guiding force and allowing our intrinsic wisdom to guide our lives we have created a detached reality, void of connectedness. Disconnected from our individual sense of being, we are no longer synchronise with the ebb and flow of life. Failing to recognise life cycles and rhythms but we create friction and ripples. Ripples have duality, in that they can auger positive change or create destructive blocking energy. Each human creates a ripple of energy in every moment of every day, whether this is harmonious or destructive is our choice or INTENT. Many are yet to comprehend is how our INTENT creates ripples that either perpetuate harmony or are counter-productive and prevent harmony and balance as a global community. Divine Principle is that positive energy is always stronger and can neutralise negative energy or disharmony. Taking a moment to think about how much stress (disharmonious energy) we each create in our daily lives, we now see how these ripples collide with others negative ripples and create friction, blockage and further disconnection and disorientation. Orientation? Unusual term to use perhaps and yet orientation in life is our internal compass that guides us to taking steps and a journey that ‘feels right’, that is ‘authentic’ to us. Our feelings are our only authentic guiding compass. Generations of programming and learnt behaviour has made us forget the art of allowing ourselves to ‘feel’. Our feelings are those internal sensations that guide us to taking a path that is in alignment with who we are. They tell us if something feels right or wrong. When we sit with a subject or situation it either feels good or bad, it’s pretty simple (keep it simple). Emotions are different from feelings, as emotions fluctuate from one moment to another, whereas the core feeling remains the same. Emotions are an external expression of what feeling processes are occurring within.
Emotional responses to outside factors can too often be reactive and not reflective (void of quiet internal processing). To not have an internal dialogue with our internal compass (feelings) is allowing the head and ego to talk instead of the heart. Should we choose a path of duty, expectation and a socially acceptable lifestyle choice, in place of soulful experiences and actions, then we feel empty, sadness (depression) and unfulfilled. Too often I have heard the words of people in the later years confess after healings that if they had their time over again they would follow a path that was more authentic to them. Embrace situation and experiences with more courage and have ‘listened’ to their own inner voice that was TRYING to guide them the whole time.
Incidents, crisis and trauma are part of a process of change in life. It is how we use the wisdom of Kismet to guide us through these changes determines the negative or positive experiences and outcomes from these situations in our evolution. Accidents are seen as random occurrences that happen unexpectedly without intent from persons. However an accident is always an INCIDENT in our lives. With every breath in this life the Universe is communicating with us. Showing us reflections of who we are, what we are emotionally and what is truly going on within. Things occurring to us and all around us are communications from the Universe to what changes we need to make to restore balance