The Magic of a Song

by Janie Lidey

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Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 12/12/2013

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 108
ISBN : 9781452587684
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 108
ISBN : 9781452587660

About the Book

Have you ever had one of those experiences where your hair raises up on your skin, and you just know that something amazing is going to happen because of the inspiration you are feeling at that moment? In The Magic of a Song, author, singer, and Emmy winning songwriter Janie Lidey takes you on her journey of magic moments from the remote villages of Alaska all the way to the heart of Nashville, Tennessee. She combines real-life stories with songs she has written. She inspires her readers to find their passion, lose their fear, leap with faith, and pay attention to those hair-raising moments in life. Janie shares how she has used her imagination, gratitude, and kindness to manifest her dreams. “Music is the universal language that will lift the world and make it sing in unison. I believe the message Janie Lidey brings in her stories and songs is what will fuel the movement!” - Gene Bedley, National Educator of the Year and Impact Coordinator for Lift Up America.

About the Author

Janie Lidey has been a singer/songwriter since the age of twelve. She has been recognized for her excellence in music through winning an Emmy for her songwriting; a Grammy for the fine arts program she helped direct at East High School in Anchorage, Alaska; the Mayor’s Arts Award which recognizes excellence in music education; and, a spot on the George Lucas Edutopia website for her role in helping make the world a better place.
As an artist, teacher, motivational speaker and now author, Janie has performed at numerous events including: The Rachel’s Challenge Summit in Denver Colorado, (Columbine Tragedy) Lion’s International 8 to Great Event in Anchorage, Alaska, American Cancer Relays along the west coast, and Women’s Conferences to name just a few. Most recently, Janie had the opportunity to sing alongside John Carter Cash at Willie Nelson’s 80th birthday tribute in Nashville, Tennessee.