Self celebration can be defined as the process of feeling a sense of joy towards yourself and having contentment that you are or you will produce the best result in the different areas of your life. Self celebration helps you see yourself as the best. We all have a way we see ourselves. Some people see themselves as a great person; some see themselves as an ordinary person. Some people think they are able, some feel they are unable. Some people have taken a step to go and achieve an extra height in life while some are still in the position of yesterday. However I want you to know that the most excellent things lie on the inside of you. You should be on top and nothing should stop you. You should go for the finer things in life that will beautify you.You do not have to hold a party to celebrate yourself. Just by having a positive view of yourself, you are already engaging in self celebration. Just by seeing yourself as someone that is on top, you are already celebrating yourself. Self celebration is about judging yourself positively on the inside. It’s about casting away all those things that make you feel like you are in your little days.Self celebration is about standing high and standing strong. It’s about knowing that you can arise to achieve something fabulous in this life. It’s about getting up to realise that there is a beautiful line of glory over your life. Self celebration is about arising to get the fact that you worth something great in life and there is no point in you seeing yourself as a small person.Self celebration gives you a good sense of yourself. It makes you feel good about yourself. Self celebration does not just happen; it happens when you understand that you are of a high value and your life carries a great sense of uniqueness. No matter how small the areas of your life or daily operations are, you have something to do. You have one or two things that you do everyday and you have to celebrate them.If you are already celebrating yourself, you can do better. Your past success is great but you can do better. I believe you will receive a higher level of self satisfaction by celebrating yourself everyday. You will see yourself in a new way everyday and you will feel very fresh. By celebrating yourself, you will see that you aren’t in this world by mistake. You are here because your presence makes the world astonishing and a better place.By celebrating yourself, you will see that you are a fantastic person. You will discover the inner jewels that you carry. You will see that there is no one that is better than you. You will love yourself more and you will carry yourself high. You will be fascinated about the fact that you can do various things in life. You can be multi talented and very active. You can go far and you can see that there is a lot of gift inside of you. You are too precious.No matter where you meet yourself in life, you can just celebrate and develop an excellent/best view of yourself. How do you see yourself amidst people? Do you think you are just there? I believe the answer is no because you are there for a purpose. You are an example to them. Even your appearance should tell people a lot about you. The way you dress should tell them that you are a special person and you understand the value your life carries. Then, you can celebrate yourself.
You can celebrate yourself despite:• Your mistakes• Your Imperfections• Your non achievements• Your low level/position• Your incompetence• Your weaknesses• Your bad habits• Your imperfect relationships• Your difficulties • Your negative thoughts• Your bitterness • Your self pity• Your sadness• Your self condemnation• Your negative self prophecies• Your self criticismYou would not be able to celebrate yourself if you view your weaknesses wrongly. Your weaknesses include your imperfections and faults. If you view your weaknesses as not being able and then compare yourself to others; this is not good. Everyone has a weakness. You should know that your weaknesses will become strength one day. You are not going to be weak forever. You should also view your weakness as a little part of your life but celebrate the big part which contains yourstrength. You should not always look at your imperfections; instead talk about your strength. Viewing your weaknesses wrongly can make you hide your talent. If you are still focusing on your weak side you will be unable to go out there and make things right. You will not be able to face others when you feel weak inside. You have to know that those you are looking at also have weaknesses. You are very special, so don’t feel weak.Unprofitable relationships are relationships that do not add value or worth to your life due to what it releases. If you are in a relationship whereby someone is speaking negative things into your life; you have to find your way out or you ensure that you do not turn to the person when you are having hard times. If you come to me and I speak bad things about you. You will only feel bad and feeling bad does not add happiness to yourself. Therefore, you are better off getting rid of me. Life is about happiness. Your happiness is essential and you have the right not to allow anything to hinder it. Instead, celebrate the good things about yourself. In order to celebrate yourself in life, you have to keep on making improvements in every area of your life. You have to ask yourself ‘what can I do better’. You have to improve in order to be ahead of others.