Why Read This Book
You are reading this because you want change – you are seeking practical methods to get what you want out of life and ultimately, feel good about yourself. You have read a number of self-help books and found that some of them lack action steps. You are not alone!
Perhaps you have sought personal change through positive daily affirmations. You become discouraged when said affirmations only affect a temporary reprieve from your challenges. You have repeatedly recited this group of words and phrases that declare and support your personal goals, beliefs, and story. You hoped these statements, designed to influence your mind and actions, would bring a real shift to your life. Affirmations can be a great tool in reshaping your life and improve your circumstances – if you understand how they work.
Are you among the frustrated individuals who have been applying the “Laws of Attraction” a la The Secret to their lives? This principle suggests that if you hold a thought and intention, you will attract that into your life. If you tell the Universe what you want, the Universe will deliver it to you. What The Secret fails to mention is that the projected thought needs to be well formed and ecological. You either wind up attracting nothing or attracting something that you did not really want in your life. Your “communication” with the Universe did not work.
As you will discover, words structured to produce a desired outcome generate a well-formed thought. It is not enough to just think and say, “Today I will be OK.” Additionally, your thoughts need to be congruent with your actions. Those actions require an “ecology” test around your intentions for your outcome: 1) is my outcome beneficial to me? 2) Is my outcome beneficial to human kind and all living creatures? 3) Is my outcome beneficial to planet Earth?
If your ecology test did not result in all “yes” answers, then step back and reconsider your outcome. We are all interrelated energetically in this Universe – that is what ecology is all about. If your outcome is good for “all,” then you are in alignment with “life” and can harness the abundant power and energy of the Universe.
“The meaning of communication is the response you receive.”
Words have energy. You use words to communicate with others as well as converse with yourself via your thoughts. Change your thoughts to change your experience.
What is “energy?” By definition, it is “The capacity for work or vigorous activity; vigor; power; a source of usable power, such as petroleum or coal (or the Universe!).”
Energy is intangible. You know that it “exists” as you observe the “work” it does as measured by the resulting phenomena.
You see the word “energy” frequently talked about in the context of self-help, self-awareness, and spiritual teachings. Eastern philosophy references “chi” or “qi” as the life force energy that sustains the essence of every living creature. “Qi” is said to be everywhere in the Universe; “Qi” is omnipresent. What, then, is this “energy” and how can you harness it?
Have you ever attended a team-sporting event in a stadium - perhaps a football, baseball, or soccer game? Maybe you have gone to a hockey or basketball game in a large auditorium. The venue is almost at capacity, with the majority of the seats occupied by loyal hometown fans. You notice that the local fans are waving flags, banners, and towels. They are cheering and clapping and you hear lots of noise. Your nose tells you that these fans are consuming the limited stadium menu of popcorn, hot dogs, pretzels, beer, etc. You are experiencing “something” - a palpable “energy” almost like electricity in the air. All of these elements combine to create an energy form called “home field advantage.”
Sport statistics bear witness to the “home field (or home ice/home court) advantage.” Teams generally have a higher winning percentage when they play at home with the support of their fans. If a team doesn’t have a loyal and supportive fan base, i.e. the team can’t attract people to fill the seats, their home winning percentage decreases. There are not enough bodies to create that powerful “home field advantage” energy form.
Energy appears in many forms; there are many ways to produce it. Here is a fun way to create a little energy of your own! Close your eyes and briskly rub your hands together for the count of sixty. Rub them back and forth, around and around. Now, stop rubbing and slowly move your hands apart, first separating the palms and then the fingers. What do you experience? What do you notice? Without touching, move your hands farther apart and then closer together. Pretend you have a ball between your hands. Yes, you have “created” an energy ball. Play with this ball. Toss it around. When you are finished playing, place your hands on your skin. What do you notice - heat, tingling, vibration, all of the aforementioned or none of the above? There is no right or wrong – it’s all about what you experience!
Energy is neutral; how you use energy, as you will discover as you read on, is what attracts experience. If you want to attract a specific energy into your life, you have to maintain that level of energy 24/7. Affirmations, stated only several times during the day are a start. What you say and think with your words the rest of the day can either carry the affirmed energy through to its natural fruition or negate your “affirming” words.
Why? Words have power and take on an energetic form when grouped together. Groups of words – communication – act like packets of energy. If you are aware of what sort of energy packets you are shooting at others in conversations as well as your self-talk/thoughts, then you will have an expectation of what experiences you will attract.