The inspiration to write this book “Create Spaces with your Higher Self “ came from all of my many experiences working with clients, friends, family, students, angels, and the saints. I have been doing interior design and practicing The Western thought of Feng Shui since 1985. Through my childhood and adult life I have been working with the angels. It made sense for me to combine working with the angels and Feng Shui. The formation of Angelic Feng Shui was the authentic way for me.
In my life I have always tried to become more aware or another way of saying this more conscious. Any insights on how to go about this I would embellish into my classes or workshops.
I discovered that when I felt self-conscious or would self- sabotage myself it was the covert critical inner child that was observing me.
To change this behavior I discovered that it was as simple as just internally saying to myself or saying out loud to myself I choose to observe myself right now from my higher self.
I found that the more I called on my higher self to be the observer the healthier my critical inner child became. Because of this practice it has become second nature to observe from my higher self. As a result of observing from my higher self this book is finally getting published.
I also changed the title of this book so everyone who reads this can choose to read this with their higher self and follow their bliss.
Through-out the book we will habitually call in the higher self. My desire is for you the reader to use this information and feel more joy, love, and light. It is my desire to share with you the reader my personal experiences, my knowledge of Feng Shui, and how to work with angels.
Angelic Feng Shui brings Feng Shui to another dimension. A dimension I have used my whole life, our connection with the spirit. When you add this dimension to your life you add the love and guidance of the Divine. The changes in your life are significant.
Through the practice of Angelic Feng Shui I have witnessed the transformation of people’s lives. My clients have experienced healings, financial improvement, new found love, healed relationships, and blossoming careers. My students and clients start living their dreams. Their lives become filled with more joy! They find inner peace. They have the tools to re-script their lives and they make life changing choices. This results in Hugh transformations in their lives in a very short period of time.
This transformation creates a happier, more loving, fulfilled, human being. To aid in this transformation in the chapters of this book you will discover angels to call upon for all areas in your life. You will discover that there is angelic support and help for everything. I believe everyone has a direct line to heaven. Angels respond when you call them. They are a blessing. I feel everyone can do it. It just takes practice. Practice, Practice, practice and it will become natural for you to connect with the angels. We are in truth spiritual beings in a human body form. We don’t need to learn how to become spiritual we already are spiritual. We need to learn how to become good human beings………and the angels are there to help.
Angelic Feng Shui when properly practiced and given a chance creates balance and harmony in all areas of one’s life. It brings balance and harmony to our mind, body, and spirit. It gives the inner peace that we need in this ever changing world.
To achieve this connection with spirit it takes an open heart, an open mind, and a willingness to truly want to connect. You need to want and feel it with your whole being. You will have an opportunity in each chapter of this book to do this. This book covers the spiritual areas of your life as well as the physical areas of your home/work environment. I will give you the correlating angels that relate to and help with the different areas. The angels we will be working with are guardian angels, archangels, cherubim, seraphim, and powers.
At the end of each chapter there is a meditation to assist you on your journey. Read and record the meditations with your own voice. Then close your eyes and listen to the recording. When you listen and the meditation is too fast go back and record again to adjust it to the right pace for you. You want to be able to be completely relaxed and enjoy.
Before writing this book I wondered what angels to include. I always ask the angels for a sign and as I arrived home from my walk one day there was a sloe of feathers on my front lawn. It was a clear sign to me that there would be many that would be included. I thank them all for all their help and support in writing this book.
My mother recently passed and gray feathers keep showing up. I know she is around and influencing me to put as much love and humor in this book as possible. Thanks mom.