The trees shadows grew long in the setting sun as Satyana and I sat on hill in the center of High Park. Growing up in a quiet countryside, I was never one who thoroughly enjoyed living, or spending a great deal of time within a big city and had only moved to one in order to pursue what I thought was my dream job. Now that I was shifting career focus, a deep longing to be out of the city arose inside of me.
Though my lease was still months away from ending, I was quite lucky as my current home had the advantage of being right across the street from the city’s largest park, which was now my daily refuge. The trees, streams and hiking trails were enough to take me away from the consistent grind of Toronto and reconnect me back to the feeling of being close to nature.
Satyana and I sat a few feet apart, my energy had intertwined with hers causing my heart began to beat faster. I longed to reach out and take her hand in mine. “Every soul has both a masculine and feminine aspect to their energy” she spoke, “and there comes a point in your soul’s evolution where the two energies split and begin learning different lessons that will compliment the overall theme that your soul is exploring. A twin soul or “twin flame” is essentially you. You’re a male and a majority of your lifetimes have been male.” I nodded, following along with what Satyana was saying. “And that means that energetically, you are the male half of your soul. Your twin is obviously the matching female half. The fact that you are both connecting at this time could very well mean that your work is almost done here.”
“My work.” I knew what she was talking about and though I had been for most of my life interested in progressing as much as I could spiritually, yet to me it had still been a labor that I was more than happy to deal with when the ‘time was right’. I knew that things were changing now and yet the very mention of ‘my work’ pushed heavily on my pain button knowing that I had been lazy in a lot of areas. Procrastination had been a misleading companion whose influence would quite often get me into sticky situations.
“And when I, or I guess I should say we finish our work, what then?”
“Quite simply you move on to other places of existence and explore other themes. At least that is what my heart tells me. Let’s be honest, no one really knows for sure and even if we could find out, would you really want to know?” She had a point. I never enjoyed it when someone ruined the end of a movie for me and I guess the same principles applied here except with far greater stakes of spoiling an even greater surprise. This is the movie of the entire experiment of existence, what a letdown it would be if the ending were given away on a story so vast and epic.
Satyana continued, “H.L Mencken once wrote that, ‘We are here and it is now. Further than that, all human knowledge is moonshine.’ I think that is such a beautiful idea as we can become quite mentally drunk when ever we think too much on anything.” There is definite truth in that statement as over the recent days I had felt myself start to get enveloped more and more in the surrounding presence of thought. With so many new things were entering into my life it was hard to not feel at least a little inquisitive.
“So if I am ending my time here, finishing up my work and coming back together with my other half, why don’t I feel as enlightened as some of these other incarnations of myself seem to be?”
Satyana looked as though she had been expecting this question. “You’re still thinking about time in a linear state. Remember that all things happen simultaneously and here, while in the third dimension, it may appear that everything is out of sequence to us but in actuality it is all progressing in a divinely wonderful process. It is quite possible that the other versions of yourself that you are witnessing are actually further along towards enlightenment than you are currently in this life. And what you learn here and now will give you what you need to then enter into the time stream at different points to apply the various lessons that you have mastered along the way.”
“Okay,” I could feel the white rabbit approaching. “So if what you are saying is possible, then right now some young soul in university could be in their first Earth bound incarnation reading Shakespeare for the very first time and in their next incarnation they could actually be Shakespeare?” She roared with laughter, which was always a delight to see and feel, as her giddy energy could often be very contagious.
“Yes!” She exclaimed. “Of course! Scenarios like that must happen, as all possibilities have to be played out and explored by one aspect of The Creator or another no matter how strange, paradoxical or impossible it may seem. Everything has to happen. You yourself could even appear as the Ascended Master version of your soul right now and give certain information or healing to help you move towards becoming that very version of yourself that is before you in that moment.” I sat motionless, taking in all she had to say with great care and focus, as I did not wish to fall behind in the conversation.
“I know that this can be a big topic to get around, but this is the nature of existence, paradoxes and polarity. Night and day, life and death, past and present everything is all mixed in and folded on top of itself. When we sift through the rolling thoughts and desires and move past the unfocused attention we can come to place where all of that will make perfect sense. And the knowledge that right now you are being born and dying in an infinite number of lives spanning uncountable levels of creation all at once will seem very normal to you. Sometimes, until we are ready to enter into a higher level of awareness, it could actually be better not to think about it too much.”
It was too late. My mind was already whirling and I had followed that white rabbit all the way through the garden and was now tumbling down the hole, head over heels.
“But if we were to think on these ideas, these concepts, then wouldn’t we start to become more aware of the reality that time does not exist and then little by little we may be able break completely free from the limitations that time represents? You know, it’s like the more that we are able to see how things really are, than we become better able to begin to create the lives we truly want to live by redefining what we believe is or is not possible for us to experience.” It was official, this was the moment I landed in Wonderland and set off for tea with the Mad Hatter. “How we view the world really is everything and right now everything about my world is changing and morphing into something that I am not too sure what exactly it is.”
“Does that scare you?”