Chapter 2 ~ It’s Time for Peace to Begin Within
What if Bliss is THE key for living the life in your years?
Have you seen how babies instinctively know how to feel good? It is not a learned condition, they innately trust that they will be cared for and at the same time, they are very willing to speak up for their needs. They are totally living in the present, emanating,
“I am here to love life and to be loved!”
Since most babies universally have this self-focus and priority for feeling good, perhaps feeling good is not only a priority in life, but is an essential indicator for how you are (or not) living your time fully and fulfilled.
Design and use of traditional planners
The early acts of time keeping simply began as early humans noticed and recorded Nature’s Rhythm and Energy by measuring hours in a day, seasons within a year, etc. This allowed people to develop an ability to feel Nature’s cycles on the physical level, so they could respond with Nature’s Rhythm. For example, knowing when and where to forage and hunt aided in survival. It is quite possible that our human existence is in part, due to both the drive for creating anew and the ability to notice patterns within Nature (time-keeping). It is possible that many early cultures originally kept Time with calendars so they could anticipate when to celebrate cultural traditions. Anticipation is a pleasurable sensation. The eagerness for special food dishes, the joining of family and friends, the laughter, dances and music... are all the things that universally connect humans in joy and Peace. Anticipation, preparation, celebration and especially completion, all ‘turn us on’ chemically within our being. We are wired to feel good.
The calendar served as a powerful entity for notifying tribes what and when an event was going to happen that brought happiness, togetherness and storytelling. The sheer act of using tools differentiates us from most of the animal kingdom. Calendars, however, are tools that truly define us as a species, because Time provides a foundation for storytelling. The act of storytelling, imagining past and future events, incorporating life’s teachings and experiential wisdoms, beyond the present physical reality, may have been a key practice that helped form our intelligent prefrontal cortex brain which governs our ability to choose, predict and anticipate.
How you keep time, reflects your paradigm of living
Jump ahead a few thousand years to our current times... quite possibly our modern day thirst for ‘happiness’ is fueled by completing tasks to appease others. Unfortunately, this evolved into the making, checking off ‘to do’ lists. This enticed a belief that one could feel even more ‘happiness’ if and when we do more completing, especially for the approval of others. Happiness and acceptance became a commodity, like a drug, a condition that provides a stimulus to satisfy your desires. It seems that the order and significance between ‘to love’ and ‘to be loved,’ has been reversed in focus and practice. Whole cultures (and their time-keepers) seem to be centered on ‘trying to be loved’ through seeking approval or avoiding of shame, much more so than, ‘being here TO love or to BE in Love.’ Consequently, calendar-planners reflected this notion and thus, became tools to try to manage time... as a pursuit of avoiding dis-content, instead of fostering anticipation. Perhaps it is no wonder that there is upsurge of people looking for their purpose, as if it is lost. Perhaps it is lost because people are not empowering their reason for being.
What I have also noticed in modern time management tools is that the concept of feeling ‘fulfilled’ is often considered a killer of motivation, not fostering it. To feel satisfaction is somehow equivalent to losing your drive for change. I saw how the basic design of planners reflected a living paradigm of yearning or wanting for something that is missing or yet to be acquired or accomplished. They were designed to focus on what is not, what was missing, what needed to be done. They were designed exactly how I was living my life, yearning and shaming.
The concept of Time is a mental construct of the human mind, yet, there are some basic concepts that may help define what Time means. Eckhart Tolle in his book, The Power of Now, differentiates the difference between ‘clock’ time and ‘psychological’ time, which I think is important to note. He describes ‘psychological’ time as being consumed by the ideas and thoughts about past events or future events as a distraction of the present moment.
“The enlightened person’s main focus of attention is always the Now, but they are still peripherally aware of time. In other words, they continue to use clock time but are free of psychological time.” –Eckhart Tolle
Maybe you have heard the saying: ‘To make God laugh, make a plan.’ I think this speaks to adopting a way of being that tries to make things happen, instead of a way of being that listens and lets things become. Listening and responding with co-creation is laughing WITH ‘God’ feeling your Creative Nature Energy. You can sense Creative Nature Energy in your body as an ‘I AM’ sensation. Being in a state of ‘I AM,’ summons the realization of it. Using your power of intention, imagination, and listening, you increase the flow of Creative Nature Energy.
“...intention is not something you do, but rather a force that exists in the Universe as an invisible field of energy! ...By banishing doubt and trusting your intuitive feelings, you clear a space for the power of intention
to flow through.” --Dr. Wayne W. Dyer, The Power of Intention
It is when you are being here, now, relaxed in your body, accepting what is, that you are the most able to respond fully to what IS happening.