The Ego’s Echo
The Universal Life Cycle—The Journey of an Embracing Leader
Book Details
About the Book
This book represents a breakthrough in the quest for individual and collective fulfillment. It is a breakthrough in leadership and management systems an eye opener for managers, directors and every person how wants to dig deeper to become a fuller person.
“Willem de Liefde constructed an ingenious matrix he calls the Universal Life Cycle (ULC) to help you understand yourself, your team, and your company. This process leads to the realization that our success lies in working together in harmony to become a WE driven organization thus moving to an African ubuntu approach.”
Professor van der Merwe, executive Dean Faculty of Economic Sciences and Information Technology, Vanderbijlpark , South Africa.
William James, the father of American psychology, said that the power to move the world is in your subconscious mind. If we are able to understand and align the interaction between our conscious and subconscious mind, the power released is unimaginable, it’s like an erupting volcano of positive energy; creative energy, logic and feelings of joy and harmony.
If we can break these mental barriers we create a better life for all of us. The App or Android tablet tool: “EgosEcho” is the Universal Life Cycle’s profiling, provides you with this knowledge and insights. You awaken the universe within.
Who am I
May I invite you to the NOT EXPECTED?
About the Author
Willem H. J. de Liefde was born in Coevorden, The Netherlands. His working life started as an officer in the merchant marine. He ended his naval career as an officer in the Royal Dutch Navy. Afterward, he studied economics and held several management and directorships in Europe, the United States, and Africa, working for multinationals as such as Ericsson, Rank Xerox, Rockwool, and Draeger. His expertise is in managing transformation and inspiring people. His best results are achieved through sharing the truth, through intuition, and through using art as a hidden message.
Willem has written several books on leadership and working together:
Lekgotla: The Art of Leadership through Dialogue (Jacana).
A ground breaking book, its title, Lekgotla, is a Sesotho word for “meeting circle or assembly.”
ULC—The Leadership Navigator: Governance without Fear (Jacana).
“African tribal leadership voor Westerse managers” (Kluwer).
“Ubuntu” (Signum bei Herbig) language German.
The art of the Universal Life Cycle, used in all his books, is a powerful diagnostic tool. In this book, Awaken the Universe Within, it is used to help you understand who you are and your inner drivers, being your soul, your inner knowing, and your talents. This book is also about better understanding the other person. The author’s philosophy behind this concept is that if you don’t know who you are—your identity—you cannot give meaning to life, and without meaning, you cannot lead people or yourself.
For more information, please contact the following:
Willem de Liefde
Warmond, The Netherlands
Profiling: APP and Android tablet- title: Echo of the Ego