Introduction I believe ‘Heart is the center of the body.’ But some believe that belly is. Well after having a dramatic but a wonderful growth lesson with my heart, I made my choice about my center. In my opinion, how I treated my heart responded to my life so that it should have been my center. I was lucky that I met the right people at the right time during my time of healing. My prayers, my belief and my strength helped me to meet the best opportunities at the best time. It is called Divine Timing for me but some could call this, wonderful coincidences of life or miracles. My story that I share here is the healing process I went through before and after my heart surgery. I believe that I was prepared to have the surgery, the growth lesson given to me, couple of years before. There are lots of chains of activities that lead me to the process. All the experiences that I went through thought me a lesson on how to be strong, faithful, positive and loving. I learned to look at life from a different view. I understood what they meant by choosing to look at the full side of the glass of water. Gratitude, hope and grace always filled my glass. Patience was my best medicine and still is. I should have been a good student that God rewarded me with my life and chose not to take it away from me. I experienced a difficult time but never chose to complain but only watch my process and choosing to learn from all. I always did my best to be kind and loving to everyone around me even in my worst conditions of pain. My positive attitude led others and me to happiness. I felt like God held my hand through the process by letting me come across great people who supported or directed me. I called those people angels in disguise sent by God, messengers or thought adjusters. I met the right doctors, friends, teachers, lover, therapists, psychologist, tarot readers, fitness coach, trainer, and many other valuable people. I did not just come across these people, whom were just there in my need; life leaded me to find them. Even in my own solitude, I was never alone. I saw ‘the signs’ in the books that I read, views that I looked, speeches that I heard and thoughts that I heard in my mind. It led me to the question; ‘What is the difference between coincidence, opportunity, destiny and faith?’ As I time travel in my past today, I can build the links. Than I just thank God for helping me to grow and always showing me the way. I can never know how things would be possible without faith. No matter which answer I chose, the strength inside me always stood beside me. All that I experienced lead me to an answer. Today I see no difference between a coincidence, opportunity, faith, and even destiny but only accepting things as beautiful as they are. All the coincidences were my opportunity and at the end my destiny showed me the faith. I learned to believe in the unity of the ways. All that mattered was Divine Timing. My journey; Began by meeting the right therapist, Dr. Şule Tokmakçıoğlu, who thought me the way to meditate on my heart chakra, use positive affirmations, and more in the year 2007. Five years of dedication and search on my self has charged my batteries and given my soul strength. My doctor led me to the right books, spiritual teachings, and sources to find my self or I should say my life purpose. She has thought me to find the light and I chose to follow. Afterwards, I heard the little voice within me and it grew stronger with every experience in every each day. It is the voice of my heart and my soul. The voice showed me the way to set myself free and also create my own borders. Then, I had the chance to meet the right people, places and opportunities. I found my life purpose, self-encouragement, belief system and my own spiritual path. I am always thankful to her for her share of knowledge. I am grateful to God to let me find her. She thought me many things but most important was Dr. Şule Tokmakçıoğlu’s efforts to show me how to analyze myself and then choose the right affirmations to heal my found situation. First I would like to share with you the overall affirmations I said to myself during my healing process after my surgery. I had the chance to gather them all after a long meditation. Later I took the marker to write all those lines on the canvas before I started to paint my painting called ‘My elevating heart within light’ on the cover of this book.