Welcome to a story, “My Story.”
Which I open myself up to you. Sharing my insecurities, my triumphs, and my “Faith.”
As my life unfolds on the pages before you I invite you to experience the suspense, the drama, the heartbreak, the healing, the joy, the love and the miracles that have made a great story, “My Story.”
May my mistakes empower you with insight.
May my courage and walk with God strengthen your faith.
One morning in late January 2010, I walked into a Starbucks craving an espresso.
Little did I know, I was craving more than just the cup of coffee. Asking the Starbucks Barista, “Matt” if I could please have a piece of paper as I ordered and he prepared my coffee. He reluctantly pulled some paper from the cash register and handed me the paper. My usual soft-spoken self had changed to a more commanding voice as I shook my head and said, loudly “I need paper and I need paper now!” My demeanor surprised me. I am always easy-going. He said, “You must be a writer and said that he was familiar with my look of intensity and overwhelming desire and that of my need for paper.” He then said his roommate was also a “writer.” So, he obviously understood the urgency. Quickly he went to the back of the coffee shop and returned handing me 14 pieces of blank copy paper. Thanking him and then grabbing my coffee, I quickly sat down with the 14 pieces of paper. Time had no reference as minutes turned into hours. I would later find out that the Matt, the Barista and his manager had watched me for the past 2 1/2 hours. They watched as I diligently wrote and wrote without ever looking up from my paper. I was drawn into space, captivated by the thoughts, words flowing from my head to my pen to each page. Writing without ever making a single mistake! Only taking time to flip a sheet of paper over and to write on the back of it and to write again on a new page. Repeating this with passion and tremendous energy until every page front & back had been filled.
These are the some of the words I wrote that day:
At the moment YOU read this. Please know it was not me, it was the Holy Spirit
that wrote this for me. Unbelievable as this may sound. “Live your life” I hear the powerful voice say to me. Yes, I hear the voice of God on a daily basis and I am anointed. My name is Alena, I am 45 years old, and I am blessed, so very blessed.
This is not something that came overnight. Recently, I was enlightened that I am one of the richest women in the world. On a snowy cold day, the feeling of peace and joy came over me with this revelation. This is “my story” of how I became and acquired my wealth.
It’s not my bank account, it’s not my network of clients or friends, nor my real estate,
I am rich in compassion. I am rich in creativity. I am rich in spirit, in my sense of self, and I am rich in determination and rich in LOVE.
Born with big brown eyes filled with possibilities as I day dreamed out loud walking with my mother. Pointing up towards the sky at a small plane, ”Mommy I want to fly!” As a shy little 6 year old girl my dreams were much bigger than me. Within weeks of my request, my mother and father would take me up in a small plane. Excited before take off but my nervousness lead to me being frightened the entire flight. Despite my fear, once we landed I still felt a sense of accomplishment for having the courage to follow my heart. This endeavor would later, lead to me learning how to fly.
I was loved and adored by my parents. All my parents love, encouragement, and good wholesome values could protect me from the horrible sexual abuse that I endured from my uncle from 5 to 8 years old. A secret I would keep guarded, until I was 22 years old. At only eight years old I became sick and had to go to the Children’s Hospital for many tests. During the same time, Doctors believed I had Leukemia and I became very ill. Both sad heart -shattering incidents would try to steal my health and my innocence.
Despite very dysfunctional relatives and hardships, my insight on the world was taller, larger than me.