Angel Decoding

Secret Keys to Communicating with Your Angels

by Maria Gurney Peth PhD

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Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 10/05/2013

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 108
ISBN : 9781452573564
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 108
ISBN : 9781452573540

About the Book

Have you experienced the loss of a loved one and yearned for one more conversation?

Do you want to learn how the angelic realm communicates through messages, symbols, numbers, and colors?

Do you wish for a richer and more meaningful life?

You’ll find answers to these questions and more as angel decoding expert Maria Gurney Peth, PhD shares secret keys and immeasurable insight in her debut book, Angel Decoding: Secret Keys to Communicating with Your Angels.

Maria utilizes her intuitive gifts and abilities as a medium to acknowledge the support of divine angels in her life and the lives of her cherished clients. You can benefit from her extraordinary teaching methods as you apply the secret decoding lessons shared in this transformational book.

Maria believes anyone can learn to decode the language of the angels––and as a former public school teacher, she knows how to make learning easy and fun.

Learn to communicate with your angels.
Gain awareness of various types of angelic messages.
Discover how to easily develop your own intuition.

Angel Decoding is a hidden treasure containing helpful, authentic, and easy-to-use techniques that will improve your life through spiritual practice and inspiration.

Don’t miss this step-by-step approach to angel communication. It has never been easier to work with your angels.

Angel Decoding offers guidance for your life and inspiration for your soul. Whether you are searching for deeper meaning in life, or have an interest in angels, you will find it easy to open your heart and spirit to the lessons in this book.
Sonia Choquette - Author of NY Times bestselling book The Answer Is Simple

About the Author

Maria Gurney Peth, PhD, is a spiritual teacher, angel therapist, intuitive life coach and angel decoding specialist, in high demand for her ability to connect with the angelic realm. Maria has worked with thousands of satisfied clients in personal consulting sessions, life-affirming workshops, and retreats. People are drawn to Maria’s genuine sincerity and natural intuitive abilities. Clients book sessions for the magic and leave with solid strategies to support a centered and blessed life.

Born in Brazil, Maria was separated from her mother at a young age. In the early 1960s, telephones were not a standard feature in every South American home. Through the grace and teaching of her Brazilian grandmother, Maria awakened to her spiritual gifts, embracing intuitive methods for connecting with her mother, who was living more than 5,000 miles away.

Maria believes in living authentically, soulfully, and with purpose. She is a life-empowering spiritual teacher and coach, on a mission to demystify the idea of communicating with angels, and champions the ease with which the skill of intuition can be learned. The passion she brings to working with her angels has been a mainstay of her personal spiritual journey. She believes miracles happen every day.

Maria has earned degrees from the University of Iowa and the University of Denver, with a focus on education and social psychology. She earned her doctorate from the American Institute of Holistic Theology in metaphysics. Maria is a published writer, motivational speaker, and gifted teacher.

Formal business: Angelic Enlightenment -offers: “Inspiration for your soul and guidance for your life.”
Connect with Maria on: Twitter @AngelicMaria444,
Connect on Facebook –Angelic Enlightenment