Thoughts that Feed the Resilient Mind
Affirmations, Thoughts To Stay Resilient
Book Details
About the Book
Thoughts that Feed the Resilient Mind offers inspirational, challenging affirmations and provoking ideas to nurture the resilient mind. These thoughts provide enhancement to self-empowerment, spiritual awareness, and alternative ways of thinking and responding to life. The words in this work can help you maintain resiliency through adverse, traumatic, and difficult times. It may inspire you to respond with positive actions, uplift you, encourage you, and transcend your thoughts to feed the resilient mind.
This is a guide for anyone wanting to stay resilient through unwanted events, such as loss of a job, a loved one, or a troubled relationship, or having trouble staying resilient when things do not go as planned.
One may ask, "How often does one have to practice resiliency in order to count resiliency as an attribute to their character?"Resilience is necessary to grow through recovery and life's challenges and uncomfortable situations. It is imperative that we respond and not react. Responding takes effort and application of spiritual principles such as love, forgiveness, and trust. Reacting usually results in needing forgiveness for inappropriate responses. We are responsible for our own healing, learning, and growth.
Editorial Reviews:
"Dr. Robin R. Laysears-Smith expertly guides you through a spiritual and inspirational roadmap for life in her small but powerful book Thoughts That Feed The Resilient Mind.
She covers everything from self-esteem to forgiveness to family and work relationships to a person's relationship to God by utilizing her own beliefs and words as well as the stories and quotes of others.
It is quick and easy read that gives one a lot to ponder. Reading it will help you to positively build your own road to resilience. It should be an important part of any library having to do with self growth. "
Dr. Beatrice S. Lazaroff, Psychologist
"The fundamentals presented in this book are the key to success. Dr. Robin Laysears-Smith is a master of them. Read her book, but most importantly, use it!"Milton Brown, Ed.M, Retired School Principal
"We all questioned, either to ourselves or to others, why do I feel that something bad always happens to me. Some people go through this time quickly, almost as if it was a short trip. They are back, thinking positively, embracing their future, their spirituality, their family, friends and careers stronger than ever. Yet others take an extended vacation in their feelings of despair and negativity. The key to the return trip is resiliency. Dr. Laysears-Smith shares with us how you can develop a resilient mind and outlook on your situation. By using positive affirmations, stories that inspire and teach, and methods that develop resilient thinking, the reader can take control of a situation and begin to frame their life in a more positive manner.
Knowing Robin as I do, she embodies the qualities that she describes so vividly in her book. She is infectious in her laughter, caring for others, and has a deep mission for others to be successful. When she told me she was writing this book on the resilient mind, I knew that this was her destiny in her life’s work."
Thomas S. Jakubczyk, Ed.M., Retired District Administrator.
About the Author
Dr. Robin R. Laysears-Smith has more than twenty years of experience in education. She has served on the cabinet of three Superintendents of Schools. A few of her successes include raising student achievement, staff accountability and climate and culture of many schools through a myriad of effective programming and training. Dr. Laysears-Smith obtained her Bachelor of Science degree in Business Management from Cheyney University, Masters of Education and Doctorate of Education degrees from Temple University. She was honored with the Outstanding Dissertation in Education from Phi Beta Kappa. Her experiences in education are diverse from urban to rural communities.
Dr. Laysears-Smith has written and received many grants for at-risk youth and innovative learning concepts. She has been recognized by Pennsylvania Department of Education for her work with at-risk programs. Dr. Laysears- Smith has served on national, state and local advisory boards and currently serves on national and local nonprofit advisory boards. She mentors doctoral students and serves as External Examiner of dissertations and continues to inspire leaders in education and social services. Hence, student success is at the core of her belief system. Dr. Laysears-Smith is the Founder of Women Empowering Themselves (WET) and CEO and Founder of High Stakes Education Services (HSESƑ. She continues to serve many nonprofit and profit organizations to advance their academic and social initiatives. She has a passion to communicate to a vast variety of people from schools to prisons, churches to profit organizations.
Dr. Robin R. Laysears-Smith provides memorable, informative, academic, motivational lectures and presentations. Her aim is to educate and empower people. She resides in Southeastern Pennsylvania with her husband of 19 years and their teenage son.